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Home Page for Joan Birman

Professional Information
- Title: Research Professor Barnard College-Columbia
University, Professor Emeritus
- I also am an Affiliated Professor at the University of Haifa,
Haifa, Israel.
- Educational Background: Ph.D., Courant Institute of New
York University
Contact Information:
- Office Location: 602 Mathematics, Columbia University
- Office Phone: (212) 854-4341 or (212) 854-3950
- E-mail: jb@math.columbia.edu
- Departmental Fax: (212) 854-8962
- Departmental Mailing Address:
Department of Mathematics, Barnard-Columbia
2990 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
Office Hours: by appointment.
Research Interests:knots, braids, 3-manifolds, mapping class
groups of surfaces;
related topics in geometric group theory, algorithms, contact
geometry, dynamical systems
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