5-6 April 20025th Columbia-JAFEE Conference on the Mathematics of Finance |
C.P.Davis Alumni Auditorium
Morris A. Schapiro Center - Room
Columbia University
Sponsored by the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics at Columbia University, and by JAFEE, the Japanese Association of Financial Econometrics and Engineering.
The aim of the Conference will be to bring together distinguished academics and practitioners who are at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field, to discuss questions of great current interest, and to suggest open problems. The Conference is also an important educational component of the Master of Arts in Mathematics with Specialization in the Mathematics of Finance, which is co-sponsored by the two Departments.
Conference Organizers:
Takaki Hayashi, Ioannis Karatzas, Takeaki Kariya, Mikhail Smirnov, Jan Vecer
PROGRAM: Friday, April 5, 2002
8:30-9:00 Registration, COFFEE
9:00-9:20 Welcome from the organizers.
9:20-10:00 Yusaku Yamamoto (Columbia University Business School)
"Application of Fast Gauss Transform to Option Pricing"
10:00-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-11:20 Tadashi Uratani (Hosei University)
"Drawdown Portfolio Insurance"
11:20-11:50 Coffee Break
11:50-12:30 Emanuel Derman (Goldman Sachs)
"The Perception of Time, Risk and Return in Speculative
12:30-1:10 Takeaki Kariya (Kyoto University
and JAFEE) (work with F.Ushiyama,
and S.Pliska)
"A Three-Factor Valuation
Model for Mortgage Backed Securities"
1:10-2:30 Lunch.
Jan Vecer (Statistics,
Columbia University) joint talk with
Mingxin Xu (Carnegie
Mellon University)
"Pricing Asian Options in a Semimartingale Model"
3:00-3:30 Raphael Douady (ENS Cachan, France)
"A Rating-Based Model for Credit Derivatives"
3:30-4:00 Stephen Figlewski (NYU)
"Benchmarking Black-Scholes against an informationless
null model"
4:00-4:30 Coffee Break
4:30-5:00 Kenji Kamizono (Nagasaki University)
"Partial Hedging Under Transaction Costs"
5:00-5:30 Alex Greyserman (Mint Investment Management)
"Hierarchical Bayesian Portfolio Selection using Gibbs
5.30-6.00 Stan Uryasev
(University of Florida)
Management Using Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVAR)"
6:00-6:30 Coffee Break
PROGRAM: Saturday, April 6, 2002
8:30-9:00 Registration, COFFEE
9:00-9:20 Welcome from the organizers.
9:20-10:00 Jun Sekine, (Osaka University)
"Dynamic Minimization of orst conditional expectation of
shortfall under partial information"
10:00-10:40 Takahiko Fujita (Hitotsubashi University)
"On Pricing of Exotic Barrier Options"
10:40-11:20 Alex Lipton (Deutsche Bank)
"Path-Dependent Options on Assets with Jumps"
11:20-11:50 Coffee Break
11:50-12:30 Leif Andersen (General Re Financial Products)
"Yield Curve Modelling with Stochastic Volatility"
12:30-1:10 Robert Fernholz (INTECH)
1:10-2:30 Lunch.
2:30-3:15 Ali Hirsa (Morgan Stanley)
"The Effect of Model Risk on the Evaluation of Barrier
3:15-3:45 Coffee Break
3:45-4:30 Dmitry Pugachevsky (Bear Stearns)
"Correlations in Multi-Credit Models""
4:30-5:00 Coffee Break
5:00-5:45 Patrick Hagan (Nomura NY)
"Smile Dynamics"
5:45-7:00 RECEPTION: Sushi, Dinner Buffet. Wine: Indigo Hills 1997,
Mendocino County Chardonnay, Indigo Hills 1995 Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon,
Freixenet Cordon Negro Brut.
Academic: By 22 March, $135 ($50 student). On
site, $165 ($60 student).
Corporate: By 22 March, $220. On
site, $300.
To attend, please send name, title, address and e-mail address, along with a cheque payable to "Mathematics of Finance Conferences", (we are unable at this time to accept credit cards).
Mr. Laurent Breach
Attn: Mathematics of Finance Conference
of Mathematics, Columbia University
2990 Broadway, Mailcode 4406
York, NY 10027, USA
email: lrb@math.columbia.edu
Please contact Mr. Breach for additional information about the Conference.
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