Persi Diaconis
Mary V. Sunseri Professor of
Statistics and Mathematics
From Order to Chaos in the Blink
of an Epsilon
Abstract: Natural
mixing processes often show a sharp transition from order to chaos.
Examples include shuffling cards and the Metropolis algorithm. Proofs range
from group representations through 'the method of miracles'. Recently, some
order has come through a unifying conjecture of Yuval Peres. In joint work
with Laurent Saloff-Coste, this conjecture is proved for some general
classes. This is an expository survey talk for a general mathematical
Thursday, April 20
Mathematics Building
4:30 p.m.
Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m., in
Mathematics Building.
From Characterization
to Algorithm
Abstract: There are
many characterization theorems, proved for their elegance with
no thought of application. A program is introduced for turning these into
useful algorithms for counting and random generation. For example, when is
a sequence of integers the degree sequence of a graph? The elegant
characterization of Erdos-Gallai turns into an extremely efficient
algorithm for generating and enumerating power law networks with
application in ecology and biology. A host of related results (connected,
directed, planar graphs and complexes with given face or Betti numbers) are
available. This is joint work with Joseph Blitzstein.
Friday, April 21
Mathematics Building
4:30 p.m.
Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m., in
5th Floor North Corridor,
Mathematics Building.