of February 16, 2009
- Colloquium: (P. Daskalopoulos, E. Urban and M-T Wang)
Robert McCann (Toronto)
"Extremal Doubly Stochastic Measures and Optimal Transportation
5 p.m., 312 Math. Tea will be served at 4:30 p.m. in 508 Math
- Minerva Foundation Lectures:
Hans Foellmer (Humboldt)
"Convex Risk Measures and Their Dynamics"
10 a.m., 1025 SSW (1255 Amsterdam Avenue-btwn.
121st & 122nd Street)
- Columbia Informal Symplectic Geometry Seminar:
(M. Khovanov, D. McDuff, P. Ozsváth,
R. Lipshitz)
Not meeting this week
- Geometry and Analysis: (Z. Hou, O. Savin)
Maria-Cristina Caputo (UT Austin)
"Global Regularity for Reaction-Diffusion Systems"
4:30 p.m., 507 Math
- Joint COLUMBIA-CUNY-NYU (Rotating among the 3
RTG Seminar: 4-4:45 p.m.
Number Theory (D. Goldfeld, V. Kolyvagin, Y. Tschinkel, A. Venkatesh, S. Zhang, L. Szpiro)
Hee Oh (Brown)
Conjecture on Rational Points and Adelic Periods"
Columbia University, 312 Math, 5:30-7 p.m.,Tea
will be served in the Math Lounge, Room 508, at 5 p.m.
- Mathematics
of Finance Practitioners Seminar: (M. Smirnov)
Rick Klotz (Greenwich Capital)
"U.S. Fixed Income Markets, Continued"
7:40-9 p.m., 207 Math
- Samuel Eilenberg Lectures
Andrei Okounkov
"Random Surfaces and Algebraic Curve"
9:30 a.m., 520 Math
Coffee and Tea will be served at 9 a.m. in 508 Math
- Geometric Topology: (D. Thurston)
Mikhail Gromov
Title: TBA
1:10 p.m., 520 Math
- Probability: (J. Dubedat,
I. Karatzas, R. Neel, E. Schertzer)
Amarjit Budhiraja
"Elliott-Kalton Stochastic Differential
Games Associated with the Infinity Laplacian"
Noon, 903 SSW Bldg (1255 Amsterdam Avenue-btwn. 121st & 122nd Street), Room 903, 10th Floor
in the School of Social Work
- Symplectic Geometry and Gauge Theory:
(M. Khovanov, D. McDuff, P. Ozsváth,
R. Lipshitz)
Mikhail Gromov (Courant/IHÉS)
Title: TBA
1:10 p.m., 520 Math
- Algebraic Geometry: (J. de Jong, M. Thaddeus)
Anthony Licata (Stanford)
Schemes and Infinite-Dimensional Representations of sl(n)"
2:10 p.m., 417 Math
- Geometric Topology: (D. Thurston)
Dieter Kotschick
"Ordering Manifolds by Maps of Non-Zero Degree"
2:30 p.m., 520 Math
- Columbia Discrete Math Seminar: (D.
Bayer, M. Chudnovsky)
Satyan Devadoss
(Williams College)
"Topology of Particle Collisions"
3:45 p.m., 520 Math (Please note the unusual day and time)
The location of the seminar will alternate between 303 Mudd
and 507 Math