of April 6, 2009
- Minerva Foundation Lectures:
Hans Foellmer (Humboldt)
"Convex Risk Measures and Their Dynamics"
10 a.m., 1025 SSW (1255 Amsterdam Avenue-btwn. 121st & 122nd Street)
- Geometry and Analysis:
(Z. Hou, O. Savin)
No seminar this week.
4:30 p.m., 507 Math
(Rotating among the 3 Universities)
Number Theory (D. Goldfeld, V. Kolyvagin, Y. Tschinkel, A. Venkatesh, S.
Zhang, L. Szpiro)
Michael Zieve (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
"The Intersection of Subfields
of a Function Field"
NYU Courant Institute, Warren Weaver Hall, Room 102, 5:30-7 p.m. Tea
will be served at 5 p.m. in WWH 102.
- Mathematics of Finance Practitioners Seminar: (M. Smirnov)
Marc-Andre Michaud (Deutsche Bank)
"Risk Management"
7:40-9 p.m., 207 Math
- Samuel Eilenberg Lectures
Andrei Okounkov
"Random Surfaces and Algebraic Curves"
9:30 a.m., 520 Math
Coffee and tea will be served at 9 a.m. in 507 Math
- Informal Symplectic Geometry: (M. Khovanov, D. McDuff, P. Ozsváth, T. Perutz)
Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu (Columbia)
"The Fukaya-Nadler-Zaslow Category and Microlocalization (I)"
*Please note the special time. 10:40 a.m., 520 Math
- Symplectic Geometry and Gauge Theory (M. Khovanov, D. McDuff, P. Ozsváth, T. Perutz, R.
No Seminar this week.
1:10 p.m., 520 Math
- Geometric Topology: (D. Thurston)
Keiko Kawamuro (Rice/IAS)
"Braids and Open Book
Please note the special time 1:15 p.m., 520 Math
- Probability: (J. Dubedat, I. Karatzas, R. Neel, E. Schertzer)
Kerry Back (Texas A&M)
"Open Loop Equilibria and Perfect Competition in Option Exercise
Noon, 903 SSW Building (1255 Amsterdam Avenue-btwn. 121st & 122nd
Street). Tea will be served at 11:30 a.m. on the 10th floor of the SSW
- Algebraic Geometry: (J. de Jong, M. Thaddeus)
Lucia Caporaso (Roma III)
"The Torelli Theorem for Stable Curves"
2:10 p.m., 417 Math
- Ellis R. Kolchin Memorial
Jacob Lurie (MIT)
"On the Classification of Topological Field Theories"
4 p.m., 312 Math. Tea will be served at 3 p.m. in 508 Math.