Week of November 28, 2011
- Special Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Dustin Ross (Colorado State University)
"Open GW Theory and the Orbifold Vertex"
2:00pm, Room 622 Math
- Informal Complex Geometry and PDE Seminar
Xiaowei Wang
"b-stability and blowups II"
2:40pm, Room 520 Math
- Informal Categorification and Representation Theory Seminar
Yanhong Yang (Columbia)
"Introduction to crystalline cohomology, part 2"
4:15pm, Room 528 Math
- Geometry & Analysis Seminar
Vincent Duchene (Columbia University)
"One-dimensional scattering and localization properties of highly oscillatory potentials"
4:30pm, Room 507 Math
- Number Theory, Joint w/ CUNY and NYU (@ CUNY Graduate Center)
1) Juna Rivera Letelier (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
"Ergodic Theory of p-adic rational maps"
4:30pm, Room C198
Tea served 5:30-6:00, Room C198
2) David McKinnon (University of Waterloo)
"Rational maps repel each other, so they can't be densely packed"
6:00pm, Room C198
- Informal Heegaard Floer Seminar
Maksim Lipyanskiy (Columbia)
"Gromov-Uhlenbeck Compactness and the Donaldson-Fukaya Category"
9:30am, Room 417 Math
- Graduate Student Seminar
Xuanyu Pan (Columbia)
"Birational invariance of the unramified Brauer group"
10:30am, Room 312 Math
- Symplectic Geometry, Gauge Theory, and Categorification Seminar
Yang Huang (USC)
"An absolute grading of Heegaard Floer homology by homotopy classes of 2-plane fields"
10:45am, Room 417 Math
- Applied Mathematics Colloquium
Special Joint Applied Math / CVGC Colloquium
Katia Bertoldi (Harvard University)
"Soft materials: Functionality through instabilities and deformations"
11:00am, 750 Interschool - CEPSR
- Probability Seminar
Jaksa Cvitanic (CalTech)
"Equilibrium in Financial Markets with Heterogeneous Agents"
12:00pm, Room 520 Math
- Geometric Topology Seminar

Jeff Brock (Brown U)
"The Weil-Petersson metric and the geometry of hyperbolic 3-manifolds"
1:15pm, Room 520 Math
- General Relativity Seminar
Xin Zhou (Stanford)
"Some recent progress on mass angular-momentum inequality"
1:30pm, Room 507 Math
- Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Anatoly Preygel (MIT)
"Thom-Sebastiani & duality for matrix factorizations (via derived algebraic geometry)"
2:00pm, Room 417 Math
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