Weighted stable maps to [C^N/Z_r] and Gromov-Witten invariants -- Charles Cadman, March 27, 2009
I will describe joint work with Arend Bayer in which we compute genus 0 orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants of [C^N/Z_r] for a linear action of a cyclic group Z_r on C^N. We use weighted stable maps in an essential way. The outcome of our work is to encode the total Chern class of the obstruction bundle into a family of piecewise analytic functions from real tori into the real cohomology of the moduli space of pointed stable curves of genus 0. We also have a combinatorial technique for extracting the Gromov-Witten invariants from these data. We hope this work can be used to study the crepant resolution conjecture for the orbifolds [C^N/Z_r].