Columbia Algebraic Geometry SeminarSpring 2001 |
January 19 | Andreas Gathmann | Harvard | Relative Gromov-Witten invariants and the mirror formula |
January 26 | Meeyoung Kim | Stony Brook | Small degree coverings and small codimensional subvarieties |
February 2 | Gregory Smith | Berkeley | Sheaves on toric varieties |
February 9 | Amnon Yekutieli | Ben Gurion | Decomposition of the Hochschild complex of a scheme |
February 16 | Mircea Mustata | Berkeley | Jet schemes of locally complete intersection canonical singularities |
February 23 | Angela Gibney | Michigan | There are no nontrivial fibrations of the moduli space of curves |
March 2 (12 pm) | Sandor Kovacs | Washington | Families of varieties of general type |
March 2 | Rob Lazarsfeld | Michigan | Some algebraic applications of multiplier ideals |
March 2 (4 pm) | Janos Kollar | Princeton | The nonprojective Nash conjecture |
March 23 | Yves Laszlo | Paris 6 | Links between the fundamental group and vector bundles |
March 30 | Young-Hoon Kiem | Stanford | Cohomology pairings on singular quotients in geometric invariant theory |
April 6 (12 pm) | Zoltan Szabo | Princeton | Holomorphic disks and invariants for 3-manifolds and smooth 4-manifolds |
April 6 | Tom Mrowka | MIT | On the borderline -- a slick method of defining Floer homology |
April 6 (4 pm) | Nigel Hitchin | Oxford | Invariant functionals on differential forms |
April 13 | Lev Borisov | Columbia | String cohomology vector spaces of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces |
April 20 | Richard Thomas | Imperial | Mirror symmetry and special Lagrangians |
April 27 | Ralph Kaufmann | USC | Orbifold Frobenius algebras, cobordisms and monodromies |
May 4 | Sheldon Katz | Oklahoma State | Enumerative geometry of stable maps with Lagrangian boundary conditions |