Nature Research Intelligence

I just noticed something new showing up in Google searches, summaries of the state of scientific research areas such as this one about String Theory And Quantum Gravity. They’re produced by Nature Research Intelligence, which has been around for a couple years, trading on the Nature journal brand: “We’ve been the most trusted name in research for over 150 years.” The business model is you pay them to give you information about the state of scientific research that you can then use to make funding decisions.

Each of their pages has a prominent button in the upper right-hand corner allowing you to “Talk to an expert”. The problem with all this though is that no experts are involved. The page summarizing String Theory and Quantum Gravity is just one of tens of thousands of such pages produced by some AI algorithm. If you click on the button, you’ll be put in touch with someone expert in getting people to pay for the output of AI algorithms, not someone who knows anything about string theory or quantum gravity.

It’s very hard to guess what the impact of AI on scientific research in areas like theoretical physics will be, but this sort of thing indicates one very real possibility. Part of Nature’s previous business model was to sell high-quality summaries of scientific research content produced by the best scientific experts and journalists who consulted with such experts. This kind of content is difficult and expensive to produce. AI generated versions of this may not be very good, but they’re very cheap to produce, so you can make money as long as you can find anyone willing to pay something for them.

The relatively good quality of recent AI generated content has been based on having high-quality content to train on, such as that produced by Nature over the last 150 years. If AI starts getting trained not on old-style Nature, but on new-style Nature Research Intelligence, the danger is “model collapse” (for a Nature article about this, see here). Trained on their own output, large language models start producing worse and worse results.

I’m no expert, you should probably consult an AI about this instead, but it seems to me that one possibility is that instead of superintelligence producing ever more impressive content, we may have already hit the peak and it’s all downhill from here. A thought that occurred to me recently is that back in the 80s when people were talking about string theory as science that anomalously happened to fall out of the 21st century into the 20th, they may have been very right, but not realizing what was going to happen to science in the 21st century…

Posted in Uncategorized | 11 Comments

Strings 2025

Enjoying a vacation on a Caribbean porch, and just had a couple hours to kill with good internet access. For some reason I spent part of them listening to the summary panel discussions at Strings 2025, which just ended today.

Honestly, this was just completely pathetic. The whole thing was run by David Gross, who at 83 is entering his fifth decade of hyping string theory. Besides the usual claims that the field is doing great, he had to announce that they’ve been unable to find anyone willing to organize Strings 2026, so there is some chance this would the last of the lot.

There were three panel discussions, involving nineteen people in addition to Gross. No one had any significant progress to report, or anything optimistic to say about future progress. It was mostly just an endless rehash of discussing the same basic problems the field has been obsessed with and made no progress on for 25 years (e.g. how do we do dS/CFT instead of adS/CFT?).

The suggestions for the only ways to make progress were often naive ideas about giving up fundamental principles of quantum mechanics (“maybe we should give up on having a Hamiltonian”) or getting something from nothing (“maybe making it a principle that the state space is finite dimensional will work”).

I honestly don’t understand why people continue to participate in this and expect anyone to take them seriously.

Update: The next posting I started working on accidentally got “published”, although I had just started it. Ignore the various automatically generated announcement of that. Will try to get the real thing finished and published within the next couple days.

Update: The accidentally published start of a post was a failed experiment. It’s just too hard to write latex with commutative diagrams and things in WordPress and I don’t want to spend my time struggling with that. I’ll go back to working in standard latex, provide a link to a pdf of a draft paper when it’s ready.

Update: The Empire strikes back against the critics, on Youtube here and here.

Posted in Strings 2XXX | 27 Comments

A Milestone

I recently realized that this would be the 2000th posting on this blog and was hoping to have something interesting to post for the occasion. Things though have been very quiet and I’m about to go off on vacation, so this will have to do. There’s been some progress on better understanding the Euclidean twistor unification ideas I’ve been working on the past few years. In particular the relation between the twistor geometry and the “spacetime is right-handed” point of view on spinors is now much clearer to me. I’ve also made progress on understand how to think of Wick rotation in terms of hyperfunctions, something I’d given up on a while back, but now see how it can work. In the coming weeks/months I hope to get some of this written up, both as some blog posts and as a new paper.

Every so often I’ve been running a “Print My Blog” gadget that turns the entire blog and comments into a single pdf, which is available here. As of late November, this was up to nearly 9000 pages.

Best wishes to all for the New Year, may my often pessimistic thoughts about the future be completely wrong.

Posted in Uncategorized | 10 Comments

String Theory Debate

Recently Curt Jaimungal offered to host a debate over string theory between me and a willing string theorist. Joe Conlon took him up on the offer and our discussion is now available. I think it turned out quite well, and gives a good idea of where Conlon and I agree or disagree, and some explanation of why we disagree when we do.

These days there’s a wide variety of different points of view about the topics we discuss among string theorists and theoretical physicists in general. A discussion with someone else would have covered some different topics. As here, I think most string theorists and I agree on quite a bit more than people expect. I’m happy this video provides a place to hear a discussion that goes beyond both the common sloganeering on the internet, and the extensive but one-sided content I’ve been providing over the years.

Update: For comments by John Baez on the “Great Stagnation” in fundamental physics, see here.

Posted in Uncategorized | 37 Comments

This Week’s Hype, etc.

NYU today put out a press release claiming that Physicists ‘Bootstrap’ Validity of String Theory, telling us that

NYU and Caltech scientists develop innovative mathematical approach to back existence of long-held framework explaining all physical reality.


String theory, conceptualized more than 50 years ago as a framework to explain the formation of matter, remains elusive as a “provable” phenomenon. But a team of physicists has now taken a significant step forward in validating string theory by using an innovative mathematical method that points to its “inevitability.”

It’s the usual outrageous string theory hype machine in action, with a university press release promoting a PRL paper (this preprint) with hype and misinformation. This has now been going on for decades, clearly is never going to stop, no matter what.

Years ago I used to comment about this kind of thing that it wasn’t helpful for the credibility of physics in particular, but also science in general. Why should you “trust science” when this is what scientists do? At this point though, the damage has now been done. All over social media you’ll find negative attitudes towards science, with “string theory” given as a prime example for why you shouldn’t trust science or scientists.

I took a look at Twitter (which now seems to come up by default featuring lots and lots of Elon Musk) for the first time in a while yesterday. The consensus on Twitter the past few years has been that string theory is an obviously failed research program, and that the failure to acknowledge this is prime evidence that one should not “trust science”. Doing a search on “string theory”, the latest news is that many people are now asking how this could have happened, with the favored explanation: “string theory is a psyop by the deep state, part of a plot to sidetrack physics and keep us all from having free unlimited amounts of energy”. This is quite a bit less compelling than the older explanation that Edward Witten is an alien sent by a more advanced civilization in order to sidetrack physics.

A few other things I learned from Twitter is that Sabine Hossenfelder has a recent Youtube video String Theory Isn’t Dead. This is about the article I discussed here, and Hossenfelder reaches much the same conclusion I reached long ago about the dead/non-dead question

They say that science progresses one funeral at a time. But it’s no longer true. Because the first generation of string theorists has raised their students who are now continuing the same stuff. And why would they not, these are cozy jobs, and there is nothing and no one that could stop them. So yeah, Siegfried is right. String theory is not dead. It’s undead, and now walks around like a zombie eating people’s brains.

If you look at the few string theorists on Twitter, you find that they are outraged about what is going on. Their outrage though is not about their fellow string theorists discrediting the subject and making science look bad, but at Hossenfelder for pointing to the problem. For a very good discussion with Hossenfelder about her views and all of this, see Curt Jaimungal’s podcast What’s Wrong With (Fundamental) Physics?.

One young string theorist (grad student at SUNY Albany) is trying to fight the anti-stringers, in particular with a new podcast where he interviews Zohar Komargodski. The podcast is well-worth listening to, since Komargodski is a good example of the career path of quite a few prominent hep-th theorists these days and he does a good job of explaining the point of view of current leaders of the subject. While he started out as a grad student doing string theory, he soon turned to other topics, and has done excellent work in non-perturbative QFT of various sorts, very little of it involving strings. Despite this, he would often be described as “a string theorist.” The words “string theory” and “string theorist” now have no fixed meaning, making it very hard to have a serious discussion of the topic.

Komargodski does what he can to put a good face on the impact of string theory, but in some ways is not helpful to the anti-anti-string case the podcaster would like to make:

I’m sure that you know people before my time, way before my time in the 80s, people were claiming that soon enough they will find the standard model in some compactification of the heterotic string and this will explain the electron mass everything else and we’ll be done. There were such claims in the 80s, of course that was premature it turned out to be completely false and as far as we understand it’s not the right direction. So of course making preposterous claims is irresponsible and should be avoided by scientists at all costs because we’re supposed to be responsible for what we’re saying and we’re supposed to be rigorous and careful.

Where I strongly disagree with Komargodski is in his argument that all is well, that we’re just in a typical slow period of progress, that the only problem is that “the theory has yet attained its goal”. This is both bad history and an inaccurate characterization of the situation. String theory is not a research program that is slowly advancing towards its goal of a unified theory (or at least a successful theory of 4d quantum gravity). There has been progress, but it has been consistent progress towards understanding that this can’t possibly work. Komargodski sees no particular problem with the job market: 3-5% of theory PhDs may get permanent jobs, the good ones don’t fall through the cracks but do fine.

While both he and the podcaster have a lot of complaints about the critics and their “bad faith”, they don’t seem interested in doing anything at all about the outrageous hype from their own kind that has done such huge damage to the field already, with more to come.


The absurd hype is just endless.


John Baez is both more of an optimist and more of a poet than I am:

And yet, despite having installed string theorists in top positions worldwide, string theory is gradually fading. Physics departments are less likely to hire string theorists than they were 10 years ago – and that was also true 10 years ago. So it seems the tree branch is slowly breaking off the tree, and will eventually crash onto the forest floor, opening up a bit more light for new plants to grow.

Update: Even more egregious version of the “string theory shown to be only possibility” hype, from Physics World.

Posted in This Week's Hype | 40 Comments

(Blinkered) Visions in Quantum Gravity

This past summer Nordita ran a program on quantum gravity, featuring lectures and panel discussions on various approaches to the subject. Lecture notes from the six mini-courses are now available here. There’s also a long, 39 author document called Visions in Quantum Gravity, which summarizes the panel discussions and includes further thoughts from the participants.

Reading through these contributions, what strikes me is how much “quantum gravity” has simultaneously become the dominant topic in fundamental physics research, while at the same time narrowing its vision to a short list of approaches that are disconnected from the rest of science and have gone nowhere for many decades. Besides some aspects of the asymptotically safe QG program, the only other approach that connects at all to the rest of fundamental physics (the Standard Model) is the string theory landscape program. That program is based on making “conjectures” about what a string theory/quantum gravity theory would imply if one had one, and then rebranding these “conjectures” as “predictions”, in order to be able to go to battle on Twitter and elsewhere claiming that string theory really is predictive, no matter what the critics say. Whatever this is, it’s not any sort of conventional science.

With quantum gravity cut off from the rest of fundamental physical theory, one can only connect it to experiment by coming up with a proposal for an observable purely quantum gravitational effect. There was some discussion of such proposals at Nordita, but I don’t see anything plausible there (tabletop measurements discussed seem to me to be relevant to quantum measurement theory, not to what the quantum gravitational degrees of freedom are).

Cut off from connection to experiment, there remain the deep connections to mathematics that have characterized fundamental physics, especially modern physics, with GR and the Standard Model theories very much of a geometrical nature. The Nordita program however was completely cut off from mathematics, with no mathematicians among the 39 authors, and minimal representation among them of the field of mathematical physics.

Most seriously, while GR is a very geometrical theory, the approach to geometry used here is very narrow and naive. In particular, modern differential geometry makes clear that one should think not just about the tangent bundle, but also about spinor bundles, which give a more fundamental and powerful structure. That spinors are important is very clear from observational physics: all matter fields are spinor fields. And yet, the word “spinor” doesn’t occur even once in Visions in Quantum Geometry (it occurs in the mini-courses mainly in the technical discussion of the construction of the superstring). As for the fascinating extension of spinor geometry known as twistor geometry, that is mentioned not even once by anyone. The Penrose school of trying to understand quantum gravity using spinors and twistors is completely ignored.

Given the impossibility of getting experiment to tell one how to think about the quantum nature of the gravitational degrees of freedom, putting on blinders and refusing to look at mathematics outside of a naive and narrow conception of geometry seems to me a recipe for continuing a now long tradition of failure.

Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Wick Rotating Weyl Spinor Fields

It’s been taking me forever to sort out and write down the details of implications of the proposal described here. While waiting for that to be done, I thought it might be a good idea to write up one piece of this, which might be some sort of introductory part of the long document I’ve been working on. This at least starts out very simply, explaining what is going on in terms that should be understandable by anyone who has studied the quantization of a spinor field.

I’m not saying anything here about how to use this to get a better unified theory, but am pointing to the precise place in the standard QFT story (the Wick rotation of a Weyl degree of freedom) where I see an opportunity to do something different. This is a rather technical business, which I’d love to convince people is worth paying attention to. Comments from anyone who has thought about this before extremely welcome.

Matter degrees of freedom in the Standard Model are described by chiral spinor fields. Before coupling to gauge fields and the Higgs, these all satisfy the Weyl equation

$$(\frac{\partial}{\partial t}+\boldsymbol\sigma\cdot\boldsymbol\nabla)\psi (t,\mathbf x)=0$$

The Fourier transform of this equation is

$$ (E-\boldsymbol \sigma\cdot \mathbf p)\widetilde{\psi}(E,\mathbf p)=0$$

Multiplying by $(E+\boldsymbol \sigma\cdot \mathbf p)$, solutions satisfy

$$(E^2-|\mathbf p|^2)=0$$

so are supported on the positive and negative light-cones $E=\pm |\mathbf p|$.

The helicity operator

$$\frac{1}{2}\frac{\boldsymbol\sigma\cdot \mathbf p}{|\mathbf p|}$$

will act by $+\frac{1}{2}$ on positive energy solutions, which are said to have “right-handed” helicity. For negative energy solutions, the eigenvalue will be $-\frac{1}{2}$ and these are said to have “left-handed helicity”.

The quantized field $\widehat{\psi}$ will annihilate right-handed particles and create left-handed anti-particles, while its adjoint $\widehat{\psi}^\dagger$ will create right-handed particles and annihilate left-handed anti-particles. One can describe all the Standard model matter particles using such a field. Particles like the electron which have both right-handed and left-handed components can be described by two such chiral fields (note that one is free to interchange what one calls a “particle” or “anti-particle”, or equivalently, which field is $\widehat{\psi}$ and which is the adjoint). Couplings to gauge fields are introduced by changing derivatives to covariant derivatives.

The Lagrangian will be

L=\psi^\dagger(\frac{\partial}{\partial t}+\boldsymbol\sigma\cdot\boldsymbol\nabla)\psi


which is invariant under an action of the group $SL(2,\mathbf C)$, the spin double-cover of the time-orientation preserving Lorentz transformations. To see how this works, note that one can identify Minkowski space-time vectors with two dimensional self-adjoint complex matrices, as in

$$(E,\mathbf p)\leftrightarrow M(E,\mathbf p)=E-\boldsymbol \sigma\cdot \mathbf p=\begin{pmatrix} E-p_3& -p_1+ip_2\\-p_1-ip_2&E+p_3\end{pmatrix}$$

with the Minkowski norm-squared $-E^2+|\mathbf p|^2=-\det M$. 
Elements $S\in SL(2,\mathbf C)$ act by

$$M\rightarrow SMS^\dagger$$

which, since it preserves self-adjointness and the determinant, is a Lorentz transformation.

The propagator of a free chiral spinor field in Minkowski space-time is (like other qfts) ill-defined as a function. It is a distribution, generally defined as a certain limit ($i\epsilon$ prescription). This can be done by taking the time and energy variables to be complex, with the propagator a function holomorphic in these variables in certain regions, giving the real time distribution as a boundary value of the holomorphic function. One can instead “Wick rotate” to imaginary time, where the analytically continued propagator becomes a well-defined function.

There is a well-developed formalism for working with Wick-rotated scalar fields in imaginary time, but Wick-rotation of a chiral spinor field is highly problematic. The source of the problem is that in Euclidean signature spacetime, the identification of vectors with complex matrices works differently. Taking the energy to be complex (so of the form $E+is$), Wick rotation gives matrices

$$\begin{pmatrix} is-p_3& -p_1+ip_2\\-p_1-ip_2&is+p_3\end{pmatrix}$$

which are no longer self-adjoint. The determinant of such a matrix is minus the Euclidean norm-squared $(s^2 +|\mathbf p|^2)$. Identifying $\mathbf R^4$ with matrices in this way, the spin double cover of the orthogonal group $SO(4)$ is

$$Spin(4)=SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R$$

with elements pairs $S_L,S_R$ of $SU(2)$ group elements, acting by

$$\begin{pmatrix} is-p_3& -p_1+ip_2\\-p_1-ip_2&is+p_3\end{pmatrix}\rightarrow S_L\begin{pmatrix} is-p_3& -p_1+ip_2\\-p_1-ip_2&is+p_3\end{pmatrix}S_R^{-1}$$

The Wick rotation of the Minkowski spacetime Lagrangian above will only be invariant under the subgroup $SU(2)\subset SL(2,C)$ of matrices such that $S^\dagger=S^{-1}$ (these are the Lorentz transformations that leave the time direction invariant, so are just spatial rotations). It will also not be invariant under the full $Spin(4)$ group, but only under the diagonal $SU(2)$ subgroup. The conventional interpretation is that a Wick-rotated spinor field theory must contain two different chiral spinor fields, one transforming undert $SU(2)_L$, the other under $SU(2)_R$.

The argument of this preprint is that it’s possible there’s nothing wrong with the naive Wick rotation of the chiral spinor Lagrangian. This makes perfectly good sense, but only the diagonal $SU(2)$ subgroup of $Spin(4)$ acts non-trivially on Wick-rotated spacetime. The rest of the $Spin(4)$ group acts trivially on Wick-rotated spacetime and behaves like an internal symmetry, opening up new possibilities for the unification of internal and spacetime symmetries.

From this point of view, the relation between spacetime vectors and spinors is not the usual one, in a way that doesn’t matter in Minkowski spacetime, but does in Euclidean spacetime. More specifically, in complex spacetime the Spin group is

$$Spin(4,\mathbf C)=SL(2,\mathbf C)_L\times SL(2,\mathbf C)_R$$

there are two kinds of spinors ($S_L$ and $S_R$) and the usual story is that vectors are the tensor product $S_L\otimes S_R$. Restricting to Euclidean spacetime all that happens is that the $SL(2,\mathbf C)$ groups restrict to $SU(2)$. 

Something much more subtle though is going on when one restricts to Minkowski spacetime. There the usual story is that vectors are the subspace of $S_L\otimes S_R$ invariant under the action of simultaneously swapping factors and conjugating. These are acted on by the restriction of $Spin(4,\mathbf C)$ to the $SL(2,\mathbf C)$ anti-diagonal subgroup of pairs $(\Omega,\overline{\Omega})$.

The proposal here is that one should instead take complex spacetime vectors to be the tensor product $S_R\otimes \overline{S_R}$, only using right-handed spinors, and the restriction to the Lorentz subgroup to be just the restriction to the $SL(2,\mathbf C)_R$ factor. This is indistinguishable from the usual story if you just think about Minkowski spacetime, since then all you have is one $SL(2,\mathbf C)$, its spin representation $S$ and the conjugate $\overline S$ of this representation.
Exactly because of this indistinguishability, one is not changing the symmetries of Minkowski spacetime in any way, in particular not introducing a distinguished time direction.

When one goes to Euclidean spacetime however, things are quite different than the usual story. Now only the $SU(2)_R$ subgroup of $Spin(4)=SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R$ acts non-trivially on vectors, the $SU(2)_L$ becomes an internal symmtry. Since $S_R$ and $\overline{S_R}$ are equivalent representations, the vector representation is equivalent to $S_R\otimes S_R$ which decomposes into the direct sum of a one-dimensional representation and a three-dimensional representation. Unlike in Minkowski spacetime there is a distinguished direction, the direction of imaginary time.

Having such a distinguished direction is usually considered to be fatal inconsistency. It would be in Minkowski spacetime, but the way quantization in Euclidean quantum field theory works, it’s not an inconsistency. To recover the physical real time, Lorentz invariant theory, one need to pick a distinguished direction and use it (“Osterwalder-Schrader reflection”) to construct the physical state space.

 Besides the preprint here, see chapter 10 of these notes for a more detailed explanation of the usual story of the different real forms of complexified four-dimensional space.

Posted in Euclidean Twistor Unification | 14 Comments

This Week’s Hype

If a post-truth field of science is going to keep going, it needs to convince funders and the public that progress is being made, so there’s a continual need for people uninterested in truth and willing to produce appropriate propaganda. This is the 142nd edition of This Week’s Hype, which has been documenting this phenomenon for the past twenty years.

Such a post-truth project requires cooperation from institutions responsible for communicating science to the public. One such is the Royal Institution which sponsored a program of pure propaganda for string theory, now available on Youtube. From the transcript:

I’m not in propaganda mode here, and we shall avoid propaganda mode… As you see, I’m trying not to go into propaganda mode… Once again I’m in no propaganda mode, but we are fairly sure…

If a speaker four times in a talk assures you that what he’s saying is not propaganda, one thing you can be sure of is that it is propaganda.

Another part of maintaining a post-truth scientific field is that you need people willing to write propaganda “scientific” articles, institutions willing to publish such articles and venues to promote them. A good example of this is The Standard Model from String Theory: What Have We Learned? now published in The Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science.

The publisher of Annual Reviews has a publication called Knowable Magazine, tasked with promoting their articles, and they’ve hired Tom Siegfried to write about this one under the title String theory is not dead. By the way, if somebody is hiring journalists to write propaganda pieces entitled “Field X is not dead”, you can be sure that field X truly is dead. Siegfried has had a very long career in the string theory propaganda business, going back nearly 30 years. See for instance this posting, which has some background on Siegfried.

In his very hostile review of Not Even Wrong for the New York Time, Siegfried explains that I’m completely wrong about string theory’s lack of predictions:

…string theory does make predictions — the existence of new supersymmetry particles, for instance, and extra dimensions of space beyond the familiar three of ordinary experience. These predictions are testable: evidence for both could be produced at the Large Hadron Collider, which is scheduled to begin operating next year near Geneva.

Like all of those in the post-truth business, having one’s “predictions” turn out to not work doesn’t have any impact at all on one’s willingness to keep the propaganda campaign going.

A good giveaway that something is propaganda is a title that indicates that you’re not going to get just information about something, but also a sales job. Today the Higgs Centre in Edinburgh has a talk scheduled with the title What is string theory and why you should care?. The idea that people at a theoretical physics center would not know what string theory is after the past forty years is pretty laughable, so clearly the point of this talk is not the first part of the title, but the “you should care” part.

Update: Video of the Higgs Centre talk by string theorist Sašo Grozdanov is now available here. As usual in such things, lots of discussion of the quantization of the single-quantized theory of a bosonic string, which connects not at all to physics. No discussion of why the much more complicated things you would need to do to try and make this look like physics simply don’t work. Grozdanov’s acknowledges criticism of string theory, but claims that it’s just “sociological”, coming from people who are too impatient. According to him (and he says he’s embodying the consensus of the field):

  • “It’s the only way forward”
  • “We have nothing else”
  • “It’s the only thing that works”

He acknowledges there’s no connection to the real world, interprets this though as only indicating that “we’re missing something” (since alternatives are not conceivable).

Posted in This Week's Hype | 7 Comments

The Impossible Man

There’s a new book out this week, a biography of Roger Penrose by Patchen Barss, with the title The Impossible Man: Roger Penrose and the cost of genius. Penrose is one of the greatest figures in physics and mathematical physics of the second half of the twentieth century, arguably the dominant theorist in the field of general relativity. His work on twistors is the most important new idea about space-time geometry post-Einstein, and I believe it will be studied long after string theory has been finally consigned to the oblivion of failed ideas. His 2004 book The Road to Reality is an unparalleled comprehensive summary of the geometric point of view on fundamental physics, a huge work of genius written to try and convey the deepest ideas around to as many people as possible.

The new biography provides a lot of detail about Penrose’s life and work, well beyond what I’d learned over the years from reading his writings and those of others who worked with him. It does a good job of explaining to a wide audience some areas of his work, and how the background he grew up in helped make some of his great achievements possible. From an early age, Penrose was fascinated by geometry, and he became our greatest master at visualizing four dimensional space-time, generating deep insights into the subject. While one can motivate twistor theory in several very different ways, it came to him through such visualization.

Another thing I learned from the book was more of the story of the singularity theorems for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2020. While Hawking often gets more attention for this, it seems that there’s a good case that the creative ideas there were more Penrose’s, with Hawking much better at getting attention for his work. That, despite having read a great deal about this story over the years, I’d never heard that Penrose saw things this way until reading this book is much to his credit.

In later parts of the book, the author handles well the issue of some of Penrose’s more problematic later projects. Experts on cosmology are highly skeptical of his conformal cyclic cosmology ideas, and pretty much everyone thinks his involvement with Stuart Hameroff around questions having to do with consciousness has been misguided.

Penrose played an important role in my life, by suggesting to his publisher that they publish Not Even Wrong (for the story of that, see here). While, I haven’t been in contact with him for many years, and only have met him in person briefly twice, he seemed to me unassuming and more likely to be friendly and helpful to others than your average academic.

Unfortunately, the book pairs a largely very good discussion of Penrose’s scientific career with a very extensive and rather unsympathetic discussion of his personal life. If you read reviews such as the one today in the Wall Street Journal, you’ll be told that Penrose’s personal story “fits the template” of the genius as “deeply weird”, with the book showing that “the cost of genius” is personal sacrifices by those around him.

The huge amount of material included in the book about Penrose’s parents, his two long marriages and his relationships with his four children seems to me to paint a picture completely typical of his generation. That an upper-class British man growing up in the 1930s and 1940s would have an emotionally withholding father is not very notable. That a male academic of this period would have a marriage that failed after 20 years is not unusual, nor is having a wife with very valid complaints about giving up her own career and interests to follow her husband around to different positions. None of this has anything to do with Penrose’s genius or great accomplishments, beyond the common phenomenon of successful people being too busy and preoccupied to provide enough attention and care to those around them.

The central part of the book is derived from a collection of 1971-76 letters between Penrose and Judith Daniels, a younger woman who had been a childhood friend of his sister. Penrose was unhappy in his marriage, very much in love with Daniels, and saw her as his muse, someone who could appreciate his work. Unfortunately for him, she had a boyfriend and no interest in a sexual relationship or marriage with him. The book goes on for pages and pages quoting these letters and explaining the details of exactly what happened. It’s no more interesting than one would expect. One could argue that Penrose did do something rather objectionable to her, trying to get her to read the manuscript of his two volume joint work with Wolfgang Rindler, Spinors and Space-time.

The four chapters devoted to this story unfortunately are also the ones covering the time of his great work on twistor theory, which gets somewhat buried amidst the not very dramatic unrequited love drama. This section of the book ends with a dubious attempt to connect the two together:

He couldn’t let go of twistor theory, and he couldn’t let go of Judith. In a single letter, he both lamented the impossibility of recreating the magic they once shared and attempted to do exactly that. He wouldn’t take no for an answer — from her or from the universe.

For the years 1971-76, this book provides all the detail you could ever want about why Roger Penrose wanted to sleep with Judith Daniels and why she wasn’t interested. For the details of the story of one of the great breakthroughs in understanding the geometry of the physical world, we’re going to have wait for another book.

Posted in Book Reviews | 32 Comments

Why Sabine Hossenfelder is Just Wrong

Sabine Hossenfelder’s latest video argues

  1. There’s no reason for nature to be pretty (5:00)
  2. Working on a theory of everything is a mistake because we don’t understand quantum mechanics (8:00).

These are just wrong: nature is both pretty and described by deep mathematics. Furthermore, quantum mechanics can be readily understood in this way.

Actually, the title and first paragraph above are basically just clickbait. Inspired by the class I’m teaching, I wanted to write something to advertise a certain point of view about quantum mechanics, but I figured no one would read it. Picking a fight with her and her 1.5 million subscribers seems like a promising way to deal with that problem. After a while, I’ll change the title to something more appropriate like “Representations of Lie algebras and Quantization”.

To begin with, it’s not often emphasized how classical mechanics (in its Hamiltonian form) is a story about an infinite dimensional Lie algebra. The functions on a phase space $\mathbf R^{2n}$ form a Lie algebra, with Lie bracket the Poisson bracket $\{\cdot,\cdot \}$, which is clearly antisymmetric and satisfies the Jacobi identity. Dirac realized that quantization is just going from the Lie algebra to a unitary representation of it, something that can be done uniquely (Stone-von Neumann) on the nose for the Lie subalgebra of polynomial functions of degree less than or equal to two, but only up to ordering ambiguities for higher degree.

This is both beautiful and easy to understand. As Sabine would say “Read my book” (see chapters 13, 14, and 17 here).

This is canonical quantization, but there’s a beautiful general relation between Lie algebras, phase spaces and quantization. For any Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$, take as your phase space the dual of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak g^*$. Functions on this have a Poisson structure, which comes tautologically from defining it on linear functions as just the Lie bracket of the Lie algebra itself (a linear function on $\mathfrak g^*$ is an element of $\mathfrak g$). This is “classical”, quantization is given by taking the universal enveloping algebra $U(\mathfrak g)$. So, this much more general story is also beautiful and easy to understand. Lie algebras are generalizations of classical phase spaces, with a corresponding non-commutative algebra as their quantization.

The problem with this is that these have a Poisson structure, but one wants something satisfying a non-degeneracy condition, a symplectic structure. Also, the universal enveloping algebra only becomes an algebra of operators on a complex vector space (the state space) when you choose a representation. The answer to both problems is the orbit method. You pick elements of $\mathfrak g^*$ and look at their orbits (“co-adjoint orbits”) under the action of a group $G$ with Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$. On these orbits you have a symplectic structure, so each orbit is a sensible generalized phase space. By the orbit philosophy, these orbits are supposed to each correspond to an irreducible representation under “quantization”. Exactly how this works gets very interesting, and, OK, is not at all a simple story.

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