Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Fall 2017

The Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar takes place on Fridays at 3:30 pm in 417 Mathematics Hall on the Columbia campus. All are welcome. Tea is served at 3 pm in 508 Mathematics Hall.

The seminar is organized by Johan de Jong, Daniel Litt, and Alexander Perry.

Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

September 8 François Greer Stony Brook University Modular Forms from Noether-Lefschetz Theory
September 15 Sebastian Casalaina-Martin University of Colorado Algebraic representatives and intermediate Jacobians over perfect fields
September 22 Philip Engel Harvard University Algebraic/symplectic K3 dictionary
September 29 Remy van Dobben de Bruyn Columbia University Dominating varieties by liftable ones
October 6 Evan Warner Columbia University Moduli spaces in rigid geometry
October 13 No seminar AGNES at Northeastern
October 20 Eric Riedl University of Illinois at Chicago Normal bundles of rational curves in complete intersections
October 27 Akhil Mathew University of Chicago Kaledin's noncommutative degeneration theorem and topological Hochschild homology
November 3 John Ottem University of Oslo Nef cycles of higher codimension
November 10 Melanie Matchett Wood University of Wisconsin-Madison Limits of moduli spaces in the Grothendieck ring
November 17 Emanuele Macrì Northeastern University Derived categories of cubic fourfolds and non-commutative K3 surfaces
November 24 No seminar Thanksgiving
December 1 Special doubleheader event; 2 pm talk in 307 Math
2 pm Ana-Maria Castravet Northeastern University Derived categories of moduli spaces of stable rational curves
3:30 pm Jarod Alper University of Washington Existence of moduli spaces
December 8 Giulia Saccà MIT Remarks on degenerations of hyperkähler manifolds and OG10

Schedules from the past: F '97 - F '00, S '01, F '01, S '02, F '02, S '03, F '03, S '04, F '04, S '05, F '05, S '06, F '06, S '07, F '07, S '08, F '08, S '09, F '09, S '10, F '10, S '11, F '11, S '12, F '12, S '13, F '13, S '14, F '14, S '15, F '15, S '16, F '16, S '17

This page is maintained by Alexander Perry.