Columbia Algebraic Geometry SeminarFall 2017 |
The seminar is organized by Johan de Jong, Daniel Litt, and Alexander Perry.
September 8 | François Greer | Stony Brook University | Modular Forms from Noether-Lefschetz Theory |
September 15 | Sebastian Casalaina-Martin | University of Colorado | Algebraic representatives and intermediate Jacobians over perfect fields |
September 22 | Philip Engel | Harvard University | Algebraic/symplectic K3 dictionary |
September 29 | Remy van Dobben de Bruyn | Columbia University | Dominating varieties by liftable ones |
October 6 | Evan Warner | Columbia University | Moduli spaces in rigid geometry |
October 13 | No seminar | AGNES at Northeastern | |
October 20 | Eric Riedl | University of Illinois at Chicago | Normal bundles of rational curves in complete intersections |
October 27 | Akhil Mathew | University of Chicago | Kaledin's noncommutative degeneration theorem and topological Hochschild homology |
November 3 | John Ottem | University of Oslo | Nef cycles of higher codimension |
November 10 | Melanie Matchett Wood | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Limits of moduli spaces in the Grothendieck ring |
November 17 | Emanuele Macrì | Northeastern University | Derived categories of cubic fourfolds and non-commutative K3 surfaces |
November 24 | No seminar | Thanksgiving | |
December 1 | Special doubleheader event; 2 pm talk in 307 Math | ||
2 pm | Ana-Maria Castravet | Northeastern University | Derived categories of moduli spaces of stable rational curves |
3:30 pm | Jarod Alper | University of Washington | Existence of moduli spaces |
December 8 | Giulia Saccà | MIT | Remarks on degenerations of hyperkähler manifolds and OG10 |
This page is maintained by Alexander Perry.