Columbia Algebraic Geometry SeminarSpring 2019 |
The seminar is organized by Johan de Jong, Alexander Perry, and Giulia Saccà.
January 25 | Raju Krishnamoorthy | University of Georgia | Rank 2 local systems and abelian varieties |
February 1 | Izzet Coskun | University of Illinois at Chicago | Brill-Noether Theorems for moduli spaces of sheaves on surfaces |
February 8 | Qixiao Ma | Columbia University | Brauer class over the Picard scheme of curves |
February 15 | Shizhang Li | Columbia University | An example of liftings with different Hodge numbers |
February 22 | Kiran Kedlaya | University of California, San Diego | Tamely ramified morphisms of curves |
March 1 | Chenglong Yu | University of Pennsylvania | Moduli of symmetric cubic fourfolds and singular sextic curves |
March 8 | Dawei Chen | Boston College and IAS | Counting geodesics on flat surfaces |
March 15 | Tony Pantev | University of Pennsylvania | Twisted spectral correspondence and torus knots |
March 22 | No seminar | AGNES at Amherst | |
March 29 | Claire Voisin | Collège de France | Segre numbers of tautological bundles on Hilbert schemes of surfaces |
April 5 | Special doubleheader event | ||
2 pm | Yucheng Liu | Northeastern University | A construction of new Bridgeland stability conditions |
3:30 pm | Chiara Camere | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics | Moduli spaces of cubic threefolds and of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds |
April 12 | Michael Kemeny | Stanford University | Projections of syzygies |
April 19 | Laure Flapan | Northeastern University | Chow motives, L-functions, and powers of algebraic Hecke characters |
April 26 | Arend Bayer | University of Edinburgh | Stability conditions in families, and on Kuznetsov components |
May 3 | Mark Andrea de Cataldo | Stony Brook University | The Hodge numbers of OG10 via Ngô strings |
This page is maintained by Alexander Perry.