Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Spring 2019

The Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar takes place on Fridays at 3:30 pm in 417 Mathematics Hall on the Columbia campus. All are welcome. Tea is served at 3 pm in 508 Mathematics Hall.

The seminar is organized by Johan de Jong, Alexander Perry, and Giulia Saccà.

Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

January 25 Raju Krishnamoorthy University of Georgia Rank 2 local systems and abelian varieties
February 1 Izzet Coskun University of Illinois at Chicago Brill-Noether Theorems for moduli spaces of sheaves on surfaces
February 8 Qixiao Ma Columbia University Brauer class over the Picard scheme of curves
February 15 Shizhang Li Columbia University An example of liftings with different Hodge numbers
February 22 Kiran Kedlaya University of California, San Diego Tamely ramified morphisms of curves
March 1 Chenglong Yu University of Pennsylvania Moduli of symmetric cubic fourfolds and singular sextic curves
March 8 Dawei Chen Boston College and IAS Counting geodesics on flat surfaces
March 15 Tony Pantev University of Pennsylvania Twisted spectral correspondence and torus knots
March 22 No seminar AGNES at Amherst
March 29 Claire Voisin Collège de France Segre numbers of tautological bundles on Hilbert schemes of surfaces
April 5 Special doubleheader event
2 pm Yucheng Liu Northeastern University A construction of new Bridgeland stability conditions
3:30 pm Chiara Camere Max Planck Institute for Mathematics Moduli spaces of cubic threefolds and of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds
April 12 Michael Kemeny Stanford University Projections of syzygies
April 19 Laure Flapan Northeastern University Chow motives, L-functions, and powers of algebraic Hecke characters
April 26 Arend Bayer University of Edinburgh Stability conditions in families, and on Kuznetsov components
May 3 Mark Andrea de Cataldo Stony Brook University The Hodge numbers of OG10 via Ngô strings

Schedules from the past: F '97 - F '00, S '01, F '01, S '02, F '02, S '03, F '03, S '04, F '04, S '05, F '05, S '06, F '06, S '07, F '07, S '08, F '08, S '09, F '09, S '10, F '10, S '11, F '11, S '12, F '12, S '13, F '13, S '14, F '14, S '15, F '15, S '16, F '16, S '17, F '17 S '18 F '18

This page is maintained by Alexander Perry.