Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Spring 2023


The Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar takes place on Fridays at 3:30 pm in 417 Mathematics Hall on the Columbia campus.

The seminar is organized by Giulia Saccà, Will Sawin, and Akash Sengupta.


Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).


January 20 Nathan Chen Columbia University Finite order birational automorphisms of Fano hypersurfaces
January 27 Bob Friedman Columbia University Deformations of singular Fano and Calabi-Yau varieties
February 3 Špela Špenko Vrije Universiteit Brussel HMS symmetries of toric boundary divisors
February 10 Will Sawin Columbia University Quantitative ell-adic sheaf theory
February 17 Ritvik Ramkumar Cornell University On the parity conjecture for Hilbert schemes of points on threefolds
February 24 John Sheridan Princeton University Torelli theorems for certain Steiner bundles on projective space
March 3 Pablo Boixeda Alvarez Yale University Microlocal sheaves and affine Springer fibers
March 10 Lena Ji University of Michigan Rationality of conic bundle threefolds over non-closed fields
March 17 No seminar Spring break
March 24 Eric Riedl University of Notre Dame Complements of quartic plane curves and the Geometric Lang-Vojta Conjecture
March 31 Jakub Witaszek Princeton University Singularities in mixed characteristic via the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence
April 7 Stephen Pietromonaco University of Michigan Nano-Banana Manifolds and Siegel Paramodular Forms
April 14 Yukinobu Toda Kavli IPMU Semiorthogonal decompositions of Quot schemes and applications
April 21 Dori Bejleri Harvard University Height moduli on cyclotomic stacks
April 28 No seminar AGNES


Schedules from the past: F '97 - F '00, S '01, F '01, S '02, F '02, S '03, F '03, S '04, F '04, S '05, F '05, S '06, F '06, S '07, F '07, S '08, F '08, S '09, F '09, S '10, F '10, S '11, F '11, S '12, F '12, S '13, F '13, S '14, F '14, S '15, F '15, S '16, F '16, S '17, F '17, S '18, F '18, S '19, F '19, S '20, F '20, S '21, F '21, S '22, F '22

This page is maintained by Will Sawin.