Columbia University Mathematics Colloquium

Spring 2011

The Columbia Mathematics Department Colloquium meets in Math 520 approximately every three weeks on Wednesday afternoons at 5:00, and is preceded by tea at 4:30. Colloquia are of general mathematical interest and aimed at both faculty and graduate students.

Please click on the title for the abstract of the talk.

Jan. 26 Zoltán Szabó (Princeton) A geometric spectral sequence in Khovanov homology
Feb. 16 Jacob Rasmussen (Cambridge and the Simons Center) Genus-minimizing surfaces in 3 and 4 dimensions
March 2 Michael Harris (Paris 7 and the IAS) Adjoint L-functions and families of Galois representations
March 9 H. Blaine Lawson (Stony Brook) Geometric Aspects of the Dirichlet Problem
March 23 Claude Viterbo (Columbia and Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau) Homogenization and symplectic topology
April 6 Christopher Skinner (Princeton) Algebraicity of special values of L-functions
April 13 Toby Gee (Northwestern) Potential Automorphy
April 20 Yongbin Ruan (U. of Michigan) Towards a global mirror symmetry
April 27 John Etnyre (Georgia Tech) Invariants of embeddings and immersions via contact geometry
May 4 Juan Luis Vazquez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Fast Diffusion Equation. Entropies, Functional Analysis and Asymptotics

Past semesters' pages: Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010.

Users of iCal (or any other calendar program supporting calDav) can subscribe to this calendar via this link.

Co-Organizers: Robert Lipshitz, Rachel Ollivier, and Mu-Tao Wang