Anna Abasheva
Graduate School of Arts and SciencesDepartment of Mathematics
Address Room 408, MC 4406 2990 Broadway New York NY 10027
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: anabasheva@math.columbia.edu
Email: aa4643@columbia.edu
Website: http://math.columbia.edu/~anabasheva/
Advisor: Giulia Saccà
Vidhu Adhihetty
No Photo Available
Graduate School of Arts and SciencesDepartment of Mathematics
Address Room 206, MC 4406 2990 Broadway New York N.Y. 10027
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: vma2129@columbia.edu
Advisor: Director of Graduate Studies
Amol Aggarwal
Associate Professor (w/ tenure)
Columbia UniversityDepartment of Mathematics
Address RM 616, MC 4429 2990 Broadway New York NY 10027
Phone: 212-854-5074
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: aa4722@columbia.edu
On Leave, Academic Year 2024-2025
Rostislav Akhmechet
Joseph Fels Ritt Assistant Professor
Columbia UniversityMathematics Department
Address RM 512 MC 4433 2990 Broadway New York N.Y. 10027
Phone: 212-853-8259
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: ra3229@columbia.edu
Ph.D. University of Virginia, 2022
Research field: Topology
Carlos Alvarado
Graduate School of Arts and SciencesDepartment of Mathematics
Address Room 408, MC 4406 2990 Broadway New York New York 10027
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: ca3172@columbia.edu
Advisor: Director of Graduate Studies
Amadou Bah
Joseph F. Ritt Assistant Professor
Columbia UniversityDepartment of Mathematics
Address RM 716, MC 4421 2990 Broadway New York NY 10027
Phone: 212-854-4759
Email: ab5316@columbia.edu
David Bayer
Barnard CollegeMathematics Department
Address Rm 426, MC 4418 2990 Broadway New York NY 10027
Phone: 212-854-2643
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: db89@columbia.edu
Website: http://www.math.columbia.edu/~bayer
Ph.D. Harvard, 1982
Algebraic Geometry
On Leave, Academic Year 2024-2025
Deeparaj Bhat
Joseph Fels Ritt Assistant Professor
Columbia UniversityMathematics
Address Rm 512, MC 4409 2990 Broadway New York New York 10027
Phone: 212-854-4347
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: d.bhat@columbia.edu
Website: Home Website
Joan Birman
Professor Emeritus
Barnard CollegeMathematics
Address Rm 620, MC 4427 2990 Broadway New York NY 10027
Phone: 212-854-4757
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: jb40@columbia.edu
Website: http://www.math.columbia.edu/~jb
Ph.D., NYU, 1968
Low-Dimensional Topology, Knot Theory
Andrew Blumberg
Herbert and Florence Irving Professor of Cancer Data Research, and Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Columbia University
Address RM 607, MC 4425 2990 Broadway New York NY 10027
Phone: 212-851-9307
Email: andrew.blumberg@columbia.edu
Email: ab4808@columbia.edu
Irina Bogacheva
No Photo Available
Adjunct Professor (Math Finance)
Columbia UniversityMathematics Department
Address Rm 427A, MC 4437 2990 Broadway New York NY 10027
Phone: 212-854-4303
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: ib2327@columbia.edu
Greg Borovykh
Associate (Math Finance)
Columbia UniversityDepartment of Mathematics
Address Rm 427A, MC 4437 2990 Broadway New York NY 10027
Phone: 212-854-4303
Email: gb2370@columbia.edu
Tommaso Botta
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Okounkov)
Columbia UniversityMathematics
Address Rm 609, MC 4418 2990 Broadway
Email: tb3140@columbia.edu
Alberto Botter
No Photo Available
Adjunct Professor (Math Finance)
Columbia UniversityMathematics Department
Address RM 427A MC 4437 2990 Broadway New York N.Y. 10027
Phone: 212-854-4303
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: ab3434@columbia.edu
Jeanne Boursier
No Photo Available
Joseph Fels Ritt Assistant Professor
Columbia UniversityDepartment of Mathematics
Address Room 716, MC 4417 2990 Broadway New York NY 10027
Email: jb4893@columbia.edu
Ph.D., Paris Dauphine-PSL University, 2022
Simon Brendle
Columbia UniversityMathematics Department
Address Rm 513, MC 4444 2990 Broadway New York NY 10027
Phone: 212-854-3176
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: sab2280@columbia.edu
Email: brendle@math.columbia.edu
Website: http://www.columbia.edu/~sab2280/main.html
Hanlin Cai
Post Doctoral Research Scientist (de Jong)
Columbia UniversityMathematics
Address 2990 Broadway Mathematics Hall, Rm 307A New York New York 10027
Email: hc3589@columbia.edu
Website: https://www.math.columbia.edu/~hanlin/
Luca Capriotti
No Photo Available
Adjunct Professor (Math Finance)
Columbia UniversityMathematics Department
Address RM 427A, MC 4437 2990 Broadway New York N.Y. 10027
Phone: 212-854-4303
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: lc3635@columbia.edu
Marco Castronovo
Joseph F. Ritt Assistant Professor
Columbia UniversityDepartment of Mathematics
Address RM 516, MC 4436 2990 Broadway New York NY 10027
Phone: 212-853-8260
Email: mc5145@columbia.edu
Website: https://www.math.columbia.edu/~castronovo/
Igor Chaban
No Photo Available
Graduate School of Arts and SciencesDepartment of Mathematics
Address Room 408, MC 4406 2990 Broadway New York New York 10027
Fax: 212-854-8962
Email: ic2614@columbia.edu
Advisor: Director of Graduate Studies