Class Meeting time: Tu & Th 9:00 am - 12:10 pm. Syllabus can be found here.
Office hour: Tu & Th 3 pm - 4 pm, Math 528
Class notes can be found below:
Class 1: Functions and graphs. Note.
Class 2: Definition of limit and continuous functions. Note.
Class 3: Derivatives and Differentitation rules. Note.
Class 4: Derivative of trigonometric functions; Chian rule; Implicit differentiation. Note.
Class 5: Derivatives of logarithmic and inverse trigonometric functions; the mean value theorem. Note.
Class 6: Concavity; Derivative test; L'Hosptial rule. Note.
Class 7: Optimiazation problems; Antiderivatives. Note.
Class 8: Definite integral and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Note.
Class 9: Indefinite integral; Substitution rules ; Areas between curves. Note.