These are my live-TeXed notes for Professor Bhargav Bhatt's Eilenberg lectures Geometric aspects of p-adic Hodge theory at Columbia, Fall 2018.
Notice that Bhargav has written up his own notes (read those!) I keep the live-TeXed notes here for the sole purpose of reinforcing my understanding.
The goal of this series to explain prismatic cohomology, which unifies various cohomology theories in
-adic geometry.
The motivation comes from the classical de Rham comparison theorem.
(de Rham, Serre)

be a compact complex manifold. Then
Notice that RHS is the cohomology of the holomorphic (or algebraic, hence the name "Serre") de Rham complex of

, which depends on the geometry of

, while LHS only depends on the topology of

. Explicitly, the isomorphism is given by integration along cycles and each homology class

defines an obstruction to integrating

-forms on

RHS is rather computable (e.g., by Macaulay) using the defining equation of
, which helps one to obtain topological information about
. Conversely, the comparison shows that deforming the complex structure
without changing the underlying topology still keeps holomorphic invariants.
How to see mod

cohomology classes (or equivalently,

-torsion classes) on

At least when

is algebraic, these give obstructions to integrating

-forms on "

Global statements
be a smooth closed subvariety, whose defining equations live in
. Assume that
is still smooth mod
(i.e., good reduction outside
In this set-up, for any

. We have


is the associated complex analytic manifold,

is the reduction of


, and

is the algebraic de Rham cohomology.

. Then

has no

This gives an algebraic way to control the torsion in singular cohomology.
Conversely, torsion in singular cohomology forces de Rham cohomology to be larger, as in the following example.

is an Enriques surface in characteristic 2. Then

has the form

for some Enriques surface

in characteristic 0.

is always a quotient of K3 surface by a fixed point-free involution, so has fundamental group

. So the inequality in Theorem
2 implies that

even though

(this recovers an example of Illusie, W. Lang).
The strategy of the proof of Theorem 2 is to consider a cohomology theory
valued in
-modules (an example of prismatic cohomology), such that
- There is an identification
- There is an injective map
Notice that a) + b) clearly implies Theorem 2.
Local structure of prismatic cohomology
Fix a prime
for the rest of the semester (
is a very good prime for computation in prismatic cohomology!) Set
. Let
a "Frobenius lift" on
. Let
be the ideal defining the "diagonal" of
. Let
be (the
-adic completion of) a smooth
-algebra. Write
, and
, where
is an algebraic closure of
. Let
be the algebraic de Rham complex of

be the

-adic completion of
![$\mathbb{Z}_p[x, x^{-1}]$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_180353673_-5.gif)
. Then

is a free

-module of rank 1 generated by

, and higher exterior powers vanish. So we find

Last time we tried to make the point that prismatic cohomology is a deformation of de Rham cohomology (traditionally crystalline cohomology is an example of such a deformation). We would like to stress that it is a good idea to also carry along a lift of the Frobenius with the deformation. This leads to the notion of
-rings (Joyal, Buium, Borger...)
be a (commutative) ring with a map
such that
. Then for each
, we have
. The notion of
-ring is trying to remember
(rather than
). Notice that if
-torsion-free, then
is a function of
-ring is a pair


is a ring,

is a map of sets satisfying
- If
is a
-ring, then
gives a ring map
- If
-torsion-free, then a) gives a bijection between the
-structures on
and endomorphisms
For example, given

, let us check

is additive:

which is equal to

as desired.
- There is a unique
-ring structure on
, given by
= identity. Then
. One can check this is the initial object in
- Let
. Then for any polynomial
, the map
gives a
-structure on
- Let
be a perfect field of characteristic
. Then the ring of Witt vectors
(the unique
-adically complete and
-torsion-free ring lifting
) with
(induced by
), is a
- Let
-algebra. The any ring map
gives a
-ring on
(as we can write down
by dividing
- Let
-torsion-free). Then there exists a unique
-structure on
(the existence would not be true without quotienting
). So there can be
-torsion in
-ring. However,
cannot kill 1 as the following lemma shows.
There is no nonzero



for some


is a "

-derivation", which lowers the order of

-adic vanishing by 1).

, and

is a

-algebra with a

-structure. Apply


we obtain

. On the other hand



is the zero ring.
An element

in a


rank 1 if

. This terminology is motivated by

-theory where

comes from the Adams operator and when


is what the Adams operator does on line bundles.
The category of
Reference: C. Rezk, Etale extensions of
(Truncated Witt Vectors)
For any ring

, we define a new ring

as follows: as a set

, with addition

and multiplication
Using these formulas, it is easy to check the following lemma.

be a

-ring. Then the map

is a ring map lifting the identity after the restriction map

And conversely, any section of the restriction map

gives a

-structure on

The category of

-rings has all limits and colimits, and they are computed on the underlying rings (i.e., limits and colimits commutes with forgetful functor to rings).
It is easy to check for limits (embed the limit into a product and check component-wise). For colimits, say

is a diagram of

-rings. They give maps

compatible in

. We obtain a map

. There is also a canonical map


is a functor). One can check the composition gives a

-structure on

The free


on a variable

is given by


say sending

(or any other polynomial). Pushing-out along

we obtain a


in which

. However, it is hard to explicitly compute

, as free

-rings are of infinite type.

be a

-ring. Let

be a multiplicative subset such that

. Then

has a unique

-structure compatible with that of

Now we discuss a property that is special to the category of


perfect if

is an isomorphism.
-rings are essentially perfect algebras in characteristic
The key lemma to prove this theorem is the following:

is a

-adically complete

-ring and

is a

-torsion element, then

. In particular, perfect

-rings are



, we obtain



-adically complete, we know that

is a unit. To prove

if suffice to show that

. But

Here the last equality is due to

We recall the following standard construction.

be a perfect

-algebra. There exists a unique multiplicative map, the
Teichmuller lift,
![$[\cdot]: R\rightarrow W(R)$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_59924285_-5.gif)
splitting the projection

. Given

, we define
![$[x]\in W(R)/p^{n+1}$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_202815441_-5.gif)
to be

, where

is some lift of

. One can check this is well-defined using essentially the binomial identity:

can be written uniquely as a power series
One simply write

to be the image of



to be the image of
and so on.
's are called the Teichmuller coordinates of
(though these coordinates does not respect the ring structure).
Distinguished elements
For a commutative ring
, we write
to be the Jacobson radical of
. A more useful way to think about it is that it consists of "small" elements
We will always assume that
(so all other prime numbers are invertible in
An element

in a


distinguished (or
primitive) if

(this terminology dates back to Fontaine). Since

is a ring map, we know that if

is distinguished, then

is also distinguished.
A distinguished element can be thought of as a "deformation" of
- (crystalline cohomology)
. Then
is distinguished as
. In fact,
is distinguished in any
- (
-de Rham cohomology)
). Then
is distinguished. In fact, consider the map
. This a
-map. Moreover,
is a unit if and only if
is a unit (as
is topologically nilpotent). Now
, so
is a unit, hence
is a unit. The intuition here is that specializing to
allows one check to an element is distinguished more easily.
- (Breuil-Kisin cohomology)
). Then
is distinguished. One can check this using the specialization
. (here
is even "smaller" than
- (
-adic completion of
). Then
is distinguished (from b)).
In all these examples we know how to deform the de Rham cohomology from
, but the constructions are different (at least three constructions). Our goal is to uniforms these different constructions.

be a distinguished element in a

-ring. Assume

. Then

is also distinguished for any unit

Notice that

the first and third terms are in



are), and the second term is a unit (as

is distinguished), we know that

is also a unit.

is distinguished. Assume

. Then

is distinguished and

is unit. (In particular, in a

-ring there can not be a square root of


Again the first and third terms are in

. So the second term

is a unit, and hence

is a unit and

is distinguished.

. Then

is distinguished if and only if

. In particular, the condition that

is distinguished only depends on the ideal


. So if

is distinguished, then

. Conversely, write

. We need to show that

is a unit. This is equivalent to that

is a unit in

, or equivalently

. We will proceed by contradiction. We may assume that

(after localizing along the locus where

is not a unit). Then

for some

. So

Notice that RHS is distinguished as

and so

is a unit. Thus the irreducibility lemma (Lemma
10) implies that

is distinguished, a contradiction.
Digression: derived completions
A prism will be a
-ring together with an ideal that is locally cut out by distinguished elements (but not necessarily globally). It is also more convenient to assume that it is "complete" along the ideal. We thus need a good notion of completion (for non-noetherian rings).


. An


-complete if for any


is 0 in


is the right derived functor of the inverse limit functor). This is equivalent to
![$$M \cong \hat M:=\mathrm{Rlim}_n M \otimes^L_{\mathbb{Z}[x_1,\ldots, x_r]} \otimes \mathbb{Z}[x_1,\ldots, x_r]/(x_1^n,\ldots, x_r^n),$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_242409869_.gif)

acts on


. Notice that the completion here is less naive (using the noetherian ring
instead of

). See notes for the rest of the assertions.
- All derived
-complexes form a triangulated subcategory closed under product. It has a left adjoint
is derived
-complete if and only if each
(put in degree 0) is derived
- All derived
-modules form an abelian subcategory of all
- (Derived Nakayama) Assume
is derived
-complete. Then
if and only if
Recall (Lemma 11):
consists of a


and an ideal

Prisms will be the objects of the prism site.
A map

of prisms (a ring map



) is
(faithfully) flat if

is (faithfully) flat. Here flat means that the target complex has cohomology only in degree 0 and this cohomology is flat over the source.
A prism

is called
perfect if

is perfect;
crystalline if

bounded if

has bounded

-torsion. Every prism we will encounter will be bounded.
- Any
-torsionfree and
-adically complete
gives a prism
- Perfect prisms = perfectoid rings.
We don't know a natural example of a prism of where
is locally principal but not principal (though abstract examples exist). The following lemma shows that
is not far from principal.

be a prism. Then

is principal and any generator is a distinguished element. In particular,

, where

. Then one can check that

is a generator of

. The key is to use the irreducibility lemma (Lemma
10) for distinguished elements (see notes).

be a map of prisms. Then

is an isomorphism (so a map of prisms is determined on the underlying

Both sides are locally generated by distinguished elements. Use the irreducibility of distinguished elements locally on

Perfect prisms
A commutative ring

perfectoid if

for a perfect prism

- Let
be a perfect and
-adically complete
-ring, and
. Then
for a perfect
(Theorem 4). So any perfect
-algebra is perfectoid.
is a
-ring, and
is generated by a distinguished element. So
is a perfectoid ring.

be a perfect

-algebra. Let

. Then

-torsion in

) is equal to
for any

. (The latter is killed by a small power of

, known as an
almost zero module).

such that

for some

. So

for any

. By reducedness we obtain

for any


be a perfect prism. Then
. In particular, perfect prisms are bounded.
See notes.
The functor

gives an equivalence between the category of perfect prisms and the category of perfectoid rings.
. Then
(a "2-dimensional" object), and

(all nilpotents in

are killed when passing to the perfection).


. (a) is clear since Frobenius on

is surjective and

is a quotient of

. For (b), write
, where

. So we may write
, where

. Thus in

, we have
. We may then take
(the Teichmuller map is multiplicative). For (c), we claim that
. It suffices to show that
is reduced (equivalently, perfect). This follows from the general fact that if

is a perfect

-algebra, and

an ideal. Then

- If
are maps of perfectoid rings. Then
is perfectoid (no Tor even without flatness assumptions in the perfectoid world!)
- If
is perfectoid, then
is perfectoid (and
-torsionfree), and
is a pullback diagram. So one can build any perfectoid ring using a
-torsionfree perfectoid ring
and a perfect
. In particular,
is reduced.
The prismatic site and the prismatic cohomology
We will let
be a "base" prism. Assume
is generated by a distinguished element and
is bounded.
- (crystalline) Let
be any
-ring and
- (Breuil-Kisin) Let
, where
is any Eisenstein polynomial (e.g.
- (
) Let
be a perfectoid ring and
- (
-de Rham) Let
, and
be a formally smooth
-algebra (e.g., the
-adic completion of a smooth
-algebra). Our goal is to construct an object
such that
gives differential forms on
relative to
is related to etale cohomology of
prismatic site 

relative to

consists of prisms


together with a map


. (Notice the direction of the map is different from the crystalline site). Pictorially we have
![$$\xymatrix{A \ar[d] \ar[rr] & & B \ar[d] \\ A/I \ar[r] & R \ar[r] & B/IB.}$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_13496920_.gif)
We will write it as

Define functors



given by sending



-algebra over

) and


-algebra) respectively. (In the perfectoid case


- Let
. Then
is the category of prisms over
. In particular, it has a initial object and hence the prismatic cohomology will be simply
- Let
-adic completion of
). Then there is no initial object. There exists
formally smooth lift of
together with a
-structure on
. Then
. (One can also do the same for any
prismatic cohomology of

is defined to be

It admits a Frobenius action

(as the category

admits a Frobenius action).
Hodge-Tate cohomology of

is defined to be

It no longer has the Frobenius action (but is linear over the larger ring

These both are commutative algebra objects.

. Then

The Hodge-Tate comparison
be a map of commutative rings. We have an algebraic de Rham complex
We view it as a strictly commutative differential graded
- (graded commutative)
- (strictly graded commutative)
is odd (which only matters in characteristic 2).
(Universal property of the de Rham complex)

be a graded commutative

-dga. Assume we have a map


-algebras. Further assume that for any


squares to 0. Then there exists a unique extension of

to graded commutative

We have a Bockstein exact sequence of sheaves on
Thus we obtain a Bockstein differential
In this way we obtain a graded commutative
. We also have
-algebra structure). One can also show that for any
squares to 0. Thus by the universal property of the de Rham complex, we obtain a map from the de Rham complex to the Hodge-Tate complex: 
(Hodge-Tate comparison)

is an isomorphism (as genuine complexes). In particular,

And so

can be represented by a perfect complex (this is the source of finiteness in the global situation).
How to compute cohomology of categories? It turns out to be extremely simple.

be a small category. Let

be the category of presheaves on

. Then

is the derived functor

Assume there exists

that is
weakly final (i.e.,

for any

). Assume that

has finite nonempty product. Then

is calculated by
So in order to compute the cohomology of the prismatic complex, it suffices to find a weakly final object and compute its self-products.

be a

-pair over

. Then there exists a universal map

to a prism over

Pure category theory.
We denote this universal
(think: the universal prism where
becomes divisible by

has finite nonempty coproducts.


be two objects in

. Set

. We have two maps


(and similarly for

), which are not necessarily the same. ; Let

and let

, then the two maps becomes the same in

. Then

The goal today is to sketch a proof of the Hodge-Tate comparison theorem, which is divided into two steps.
- If
case), prove the crystalline comparison for
(before reduction).
- Use the Cartier isomorphism when
to deduce the Hodge-Tate comparison theorem in general.
Reminder on crystalline cohomology
Fix a
-torsionfree ring
, and a smooth
(Divided power envelope)

be a (ind)-smooth

-algebra. Fix a surjection


. (think: embed

into a smooth affine space.) Let

. The
divided power envelope of 
is defined to be
![$$D_J(P)=P[\{\frac{x^n}{n!}\}_{n\ge1, x\in J}]^\wedge$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_63739524_.gif)

-adic completion), where
![$P[\{\frac{x^n}{n!}\}_{n\ge1, x\in J}]\subseteq P[1/p]$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_219550265_-6.gif)
. (This is the characteristic

analogue of allowing integration of power series in

One can check that there exists an induced surjection
with kernel having divided powers. The map
is universal with this property (hence the name envelope).

, and

. Then

is the divided power polynomial ring. One can check that

has the cohomology of a point (


). This is the characteristic

analogue of the Poincare lemma.
Choose a surjection


(ind-)smooth over

. Let

a cosimplicial

-algebra. We have an induced surjection

with kernel

for any

. In this way we obtain an ideal

. We define

(think: geometrically embed a singular space into powers of a smooth affine space and look at its tubular neighborhoods). Define
(de Rham-crystalline comparison)

is a smooth lift of


. Then

In particular, the de Rham complex on LHS is independent of the lift

There exists a canonical quasi-isomorphism
(Cartier isomorphism)

be the Frobenius twist of

. So the absolute Frobenius

factors as

, where the relative Frobenius


-linear. Notice that

is an

-linear complex (by the Leibniz rule we have


). We have a map

and also have a Bockstein differential

So by the universal property (Lemma
17), we obtain a map of strictly graded commutative dgas,
This map is an isomorphism.
Relating divided powers to

be a


-rings. Let

be an (ind-)smooth

-algebra over

. Let

such that

is a non-zero-divisor on

. Then

Here LHS means formally adjoining in

-rings, and the RHS is the divided power envelope.
First consider the free case


. We have a pushout diagram
![$$\xymatrix{\mathbb{Z}_p\{z\} \ar[r] \ar[d]^{z\mapsto \phi(x)} & \mathbb{Z}_p\{z,y\}/(py-z)_\delta=\mathbb{Z}_p\{y\} \ar[d] \\ \mathbb{Z}_p\{x\} \ar[r] & P\{\phi(x)/p\}.}$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_226256642_.gif)
Notice that the left vertical arrow is faithfully flat, and hence the right vertical arrow is faithfully flat, thus


The next goal is to identify
. First, by
we obtain that
. To check that
, by induction it suffices to show that if
is any
-ring, and
such that
, then
. In fact,
The second term has the same
-adic valuation as
, so it remains to show that the first term is in
. Indeed, by assumption that
we have
and thus 
Finally, one can show that
(key fact:
, where
is a
-adic unit).

, reduce to the previous lemma. In general, do a base change argument.
Crystalline comparison for prismatic cohomology
be a
-ring. Then
is a bounded prism. Let
be a smooth
There exists a canonical isomorphism

of commutative algebra objects in

, compatible with the Frobenius action on both sides.
Let us explain why there is a canonical morphism from LHS to RHS.
Choose a free
together with a surjection
. Recall that by definition
. Since
is now chosen to have a
-structure, we know that
is a cosimplicial
-algebra over
. On the other hand, the kernel
has divided powers. Consequently, we have
This the key relation between the
-structure and divided power structure and gives a commutative diagram
Notice that the lower right part of the diagram gives a cosimplicial object in the prismatic site
. Thus we obtain a canonical map
So by adjunction we obtain a map
One can check this is an equivalence by explicitly computing both sides using Cech-Alexander complexes and using Lemma 20 to identify
-structures and divided powers structures.
Hodge-Tate comparison
be a bounded prism. Let
be a formally smooth
-algebra. Now let us sketch a proof of the Hodge-Tate comparison (Theorem 6).
- Deduce the Hodge-Tate comparison from the crystalline comparison (Theorem 9) and the Cartier isomorphism (Theorem 8) when
(and worry about the Frobenius twist when
is not perfect).
- In general, set
. Then the irreducibility lemma for distinguished elements (Lemma 10) implies that
. We look at the base change along
. Using Lemma 20, we may deduce the theorem from the previous case
For any formally smooth


, one can define its
prismatic cohomology 
, compatible with passing to affine open subsets


Extension to the singular case
Non-abelian derived functors
Our next goal is to explain how to extend the prismatic cohomology to the singular case. We will need to derive the functor of Kahler differentials, which is a functor from rings to modules. Since the category of rings is not abelian, we need some formalisms on non-abelian derived functors.
be a commutative ring. Let
be the category of finitely generated polynomial
-algebras. Consider a functor
. To derive
, we view
as "projective" objects in
Cotangent complexes
(Cotangent complexes)
Define the cotangent complex

to be

Derived de Rham cohomology
Fix a ground ring
of characteristic
Define the derived de Rham cohomology

to be

In char 0, for an affine space the functor
is a constant functor so there is no higher derived de Rham cohomology. But in char
, even for an affine space
has a lot of cohomologies (given by the Cartier isomorphism). The following property helps us to control the derived de Rham cohomology.
(Derived Cartier isomorphism)
For any

, there exists an increasing exhaustive filtration (
conjugate filtration)


equipped with canonical isomorphisms
![$$\mathrm{gr}_i^\mathrm{conj}(\mathrm{dR}_{A/k})\cong \wedge^i L_{A^{(i)}/k}[-i],$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_9702711_.gif)

. More precisely, we have a lift of

into the filtered derived category


is smooth, then


smooth, we have

The moral here is that if we have a functor whose cohomology can be described in terms of differential forms, then its derived functor should also has a description in terms of differential forms. We will realize this idea for prismatic cohomology as well.
Derived prismatic cohomology
be a bounded prism. Let
be a formally smooth
-algebra. We constructed the prismatic cohomology
together with an action of the Frobenius
. Moreover, we have the Hodge-Tate comparison 
derived prismatic cohomology 
is obtained by deriving


is the

-adic completion of

, and

is the derived category of


-complexes. Define

which is the same as the derived functor of

(as the non-abelian derived functor commutes with filtered colimits, in particular with

One can check that
is the
-adic completion of a polynomial
-algebra. We have the following derived version of the Hodge-Tate comparison.
For any

, we have an increasing exhaustive filtration


such that
![$$\mathrm{gr}_i^\mathrm{HT}(L\bar\Delta_{R/A})\cong \wedge^iL_{R/(A/I)}[-i]$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_103515244_.gif)

From now on by abuse of notation we will write
is a commutative algebra object.
is a commutative algebra object.
Perfections in mixed characteristic
be a perfect prism (e.g.,
, where
). Let
be a
-algebra. Our next goal is to construct a "perfectoidization"
. It may not be perfectoid, but better be thought of as a "derived perfectoid ring". We will realize this using the prismatic cohomology of
First let us look at the case of characteristic
, where we already know what
should be.

be a perfect field of characteristic

. For any


, define

. The map

is the universal map from

to a perfect

![$R=k[X]=\oplus_{i\in \mathbb{N}}k x^i$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_138105512_-5.gif)
. Then
![$R_\mathrm{perf}=k[X^{1/p^\infty}]=\otimes_{i\in \mathbb{N}[1/p]}kx^i$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_259216638_-6.gif)

be a

-algebra, the prefection of the derived de Rham cohomology


is induced by the Frobenius on

) identifies with

via the projection

Reduce to

= a polynomial

-algebra, and use

is zero for any

Now we can do the same thing for prismatic cohomology.


. Let

be a

-algebra. The perfection

identifies with

via the natural map

Use the fact that

![$\mathrm{gr}_i^\mathrm{HT}(\bar \Delta_{R/A})=\wedge^iL_{R/k}[-i]$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_259905092_-6.gif)
. There is an extra subtlety: the Frobenius for the prismatic cohomology comes from the objects on

, while the Frobenius on differential forms comes from the ring

in characteristic

. Nevertheless one can check they are the same.
We have a natural identification of


-completion) and

Now let us come to the mixed characteristic case. Let
be a perfect prism. Let
be an
-algebra. We use the prismatic cohomology to define the perfectoidization of
is a commutative algebra object, and
is an isomorphism on it.
is a commutative algebra object.
- If
, then
- If
is already perfectoid (e.g.,
), then
, the unique lift of
- Let
. Let
(a torus). We use the fact that (more on this later)
Then one can compute that
for any
. Notice that when specializing to
the term in degree one of this two-term complex is zero and we obtain a complex with one term. However, note that the element
(= the image of
) in degree one is not a co-boundary, and also nonzero in
(= nonzero mod
). Therefore
is genuinely derived (with nontrivial higher cohomology).
Two examples of perfect prisms to keep in mind today:
(especially for etale comparison).
(there is no cohomology in negative degree; reason: power operation in homotopy theory).
- If
(i.e., in degree 0), then
is a perfect prism, and
is a perfectoid ring.
is independent of the choice of
- The functor
commutes with faithfully flat base change
As an application, we now reprove one of the key lemmas in André's recent breakthrough on the direct summand conjecture.

be a perfectoid ring. Let

. Then there exists

-completely faithfully flat map

of perfectoid rings such that

has a compatible system of

-power roots



be a perfectoid ring and

an ideal. Let

. Then

lives in degree 0, and

is surjective.
. Let

. I don't know how to describe

explicitly (or even write down a nontrivial element in the kernel explicitly).
The etale comparison
be a perfect prism. Let
be a
-algebra. Assume
is finitely generated over
is bounded.
There exists a canonical isomorphism
Our next goal is to prove Theorem 11. To simplify notation, assume
. The main steps are:
- Reduce from
(most interesting step).
- Reduce to
semiperfectoid (quotient of perfectoid; its prismatic cohomology lives in degree 0).
- Reduce to
perfectoid (for which the theorem was known before: dates back to e.g. Fontaine-Wintenberger in 70's).
Step (a) A continuity property inspired by topological cyclic homology.

be an

-algebra and

. Define the category of Frobenius modules
![$$D(B[F])=\{(M, \phi_M): M\in D(B), \phi_M: M\rightarrow\phi_*M\},$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_26056190_.gif)
and a subcategory
such that


-complete. The colimits in
are computed by the

-completion of the usual colimit.
- The fixed point functor
commutes with colimits.
- The fixed point functor
commutes with colimits.
- Let
, then the perfection
induces an isomorphism on
The upshot is that to prove the Theorem 11, it suffices to show the same thing for
(after the perfection).
Step (b) Let
be a polynomial algebra. We take the perfectoid ring
. We have a faithfully flat map
. Let
be the Cech nerve of
). Then each
is semiperfectoid.
For more general
, choose topological generators
to get a surjective map
. Repeating the previous construction we obtain
, where each
is semiperfectoid.
Now the strategy is to reduce Theorem 11 for
to the same thing for
- (descent for etale cohomology)
(true for any torsion contractible sheaves).
- (descent for prismatic cohomology)
and the same for
(the proof uses tools developed in Akhil Mathew's undergraduate thesis).
Step (c) Let
be semiperfectoid and
be its perfectoidization. By Corollary 11, we know that
lives in degree 0 and hence is perfectoid. We claim that both sides of the desired isomorphism
do not change when replacing
. For the RHS, we claim that
In fact both reduce to
(by the Hodge-Tate comparison and the definition of
), and hence the claim is true by the derived completeness of both. For the LHS, one shows that
induces an isomorphism of associated
-sheaves (which we have not covered) and one gets (by a theorem) that they have the same etale cohomology for the generic fiber.
Therefore it remains to prove the etale comparison when
is perfectoid. In this case, by a (classical) theorem, we have
(in modern terminology, this can be proved using the pro-etale site of perfectoid spaces and the exactness of the Artin-Schreier sequence). Since
is perfectoid, we have
and hence
. Thus we have proved the etale comparison when
is perfectoid.
In particular, the
-etale cohomology of
lives in only two degrees (in fact, by the same etale comparison theorem with nontrivial coefficient systems, one can show that
is a
Now let us come back to prove our main application.

be complete and algebraically closed. Let

be the valuation ring (which is perfectoid) with residue field

. Let

be a proper smooth formal scheme. Then

be the perfect prism associated to

. So

. The map

induces a map

, and a map of perfect prisms

. The prismatic complex

is obtained by gluing

for all open

. Similarly, we have the prismatic complex

. We have an base change isomorphism (by the Hodge-Tate comparison)

(Notice that since

is a formal scheme,

as topological spaces and we can identify sheaves on them).
, and similarly define
. We claim that
is a perfect complex, i.e., represented by a finite complex of finite free modules. To prove the claim, it suffices to show that
. This is true by the Hodge-Tate comparison:
has a filtration whose graded pieces are given by
, which is perfect since
is proper and smooth.

with fraction field
and residue field
. Then by the semicontinuity for finitely presented
-modules, we obtain 
The RHS is given by
which is given by (the Frobenius of twist)
by the crystalline comparison for prismatic cohomology.
For the LHS: by the etale comparison we obtain
We then apply the following linear algebra lemma to
to get the desired inequality. (In fact, using the
-de Rham complex, we will see that
is an isomorphism for
and hence the dimension of the LHS is equal to the dimension of
-etale cohomology of the generic fiber

be an algebraically closed field of characteristic

. Let


. Then

is injective, and moreover an isomorphism when

is an isomorphism.
-de Rham complex
As an analogue of crystalline cohomology being the de Rham cohomology of a lift, we would like to compute
on the nose (as a genuine complex).
We will work with
, and
. Let
(Aomoto, Jackson)
. We define its
-de Rham complex (depending on the choice of

![$$q\Omega_{R, \square}^*:=R[ [q-1]]\xrightarrow{\nabla_q}R[ [q-1]]dx,$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_112834088_.gif)
where we define the
![$\mathbb{Z}_p[ [q-1]]$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_189630513_-5.gif)
-linear map

Notice that the definition makes sense since

. Notice that
![$\nabla_q(x^n)=[n]_q x^{n-1}dx$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_64868803_-5.gif)
. Therefore

on the nose. We have a similar construction for

be a formally smooth

-algebra. A
framing of

is a formally etale map
![$$\square: \mathbb{Z}_p[x_1, \ldots, x_n]^\wedge\rightarrow S.$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_161459851_.gif)
We call such

framed pair.
-de Rham complex for framed pairs)

be a framed pair. We obtain a formally etale map
![$$\tilde\square: \mathbb{Z}[q-1, x_1,\ldots,x_n]^\wedge\rightarrow S[ [q-1]]$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_36424969_.gif)
![$\mathbb{Z}_p[ [q-1]]$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_189630513_-5.gif)
-algebras. For

, we have an automorphism

such that




. Since

, we obtain a unique automorphism

![$S[ [q-1]]$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_164121102_-5.gif)
extending it (by the formal smoothness of

). We define

and the
-de Rham complex to be the Koszul complex


There is a symmetric monoidal functor

from formally smooth

-algebras to
![$D_\mathrm{comp}(\mathbb{Z}_p[ [q-1]])$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_182152521_-5.gif)
, equipped with natural isomorphisms

for each choice

of framing. In particular,

is a commutative algebra in
![$D_\mathrm{comp}(\mathbb{Z}_p[ [q-1]]$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_145619460_-5.gif)
, and each

is an

Our next goal is to prove Conjecture 1. It is hard to prove from first principle: it is already not clear how to write down the endomorphism of the
-de Rham complex for the simple change of variable
-crystalline cohomology
Our goal is to construct a
-crystalline site
whose cohomology is computed by
-de Rham complexes.
. Let
. Let
. Observe that the ideals
define the same topology (one is contained in the power of the other and vice versa).
The main new ingredient is the notion of
-PD thickenings.
is a
-PD pairing, and is the initial such pair. More generally for any
-completely flat
, we obtain a
-PD pair
- If
, then condition (c) is equivalent to that for any
for any
(the usual PD-structure requires
, but it turns out to not affect anything).

be a

-algebra over

. Let

such that
![$\phi(f)\in [p]_q D$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_173336650_-5.gif)
. Then

, this lemma saying that if

, then

Reduce to the universal case, where


-flat. We would like to show that
![$$\frac{\phi^2(f)}{\phi([p]_q)}\equiv\phi(\delta(f))\pmod{ [p]_qD}.$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_155857509_.gif)
, we have
are "transverse" to each other), so it suffices to show that
![$$\phi^2(f)\equiv p \phi(\delta(f))\pmod{ [p]_qD}.$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_14703619_.gif)
By definition,


we obtain

![$\phi(f)^p\in [p]_qD$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_44054050_-5.gif)
by assumption.
![$D=P\{\phi(x_1)/[p]_q,\ldots, \phi(x_n)/[p]_q\}^\wedge_{(p,q-1)}$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_109996662_-8.gif)
, where

, and

form a regular sequence.
, and



. Then one can compute that

![$$\gamma_{k,q}(x-y)=\frac{(x-y)(x-qy)\cdots (x-q^{k-1}y)}{[ k]_q[ k-1]_q\cdots [ 1]_q}.$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_248566616_.gif)
And they form a topological basis over
. (This was the motivating example for inventing the

-crystalline site).
-crystalline site)

be a formally smooth

-algebra. Define

to be the category of

-PD pairs

such that

, and make it into a site via indiscrete topology (so presheaves=sheaves). Let

be the sheaf

. Define the
-crystalline cohomology to be
To compute
, we use the Cech-Alexander complexes for
(compare Theorem 7). Choose a surjection
with kernel
such that
is a
-completion of a free
-algebra over
. We obtain a cosimplicial
-algebra over
with ideal
such that
. Taking
-PD envelopes gives a cosimplicial object of
Category theory (Lemma 18) then implies that
is given by
There exists a canonical isomorphism
(Theorem 7).
is computed by
(by Proposition 12 (c)), which also computes LHS by the what we just said.

-crystalline comparison and
-de Rham comparison
be formally smooth over
. Let
. Notice that we have the following commutative diagram
The left vertical column corresponds to the
-crystalline cohomology, and the right vertical column corresponds to the prismatic cohomology. The twist
is needed as
is not a distinguished element but
-crystalline comparison for prismatic cohomology)
There exists a natural isomorphism
To get a map

, we need to show that for each

, we get an object
![$(R^{(1)}\rightarrow D/[p]_q\leftarrow D)\in (R^{(1)}/A)_\Delta$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_32101192_-5.gif)
. By the definition of

-PD thickening, we have a commutative diagram
![$$\xymatrix{D \ar[r]^\phi \ar[d] & D \ar[d] \\ R \ar[r] & D/[p]_qD.}$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_177012325_.gif)
Linearizing along

we obtain the desired object in the prismatic site. To check this map is an isomorphism, we check after

and use the crystalline comparison for prismatic cohomology.
Our next goal is to relate
. In the classical characteristic
setting this relation is saying that the crystalline-de Rham comparison does not depend the choice of the lift. One can basically add
everywhere in the proof for the classical case, and it works.
-de Rham complexes for
-PD envelopes)

be a formally smooth

-algebra, formally etale over
(which is given a unique

-structure satisfying

). Assume there is a surjection


is the

-PD envelope of

. By the following lemma, we can extend the

-de Rham complex






extends uniquely to

Recall that

. It suffices to show that each

extends uniquely to an automorphism of

congruent to


. Using the universal property of

, we need to show that for each

, we have
![$\phi(\gamma_i(f))\subseteq [p]_q D$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_17298432_-5.gif)
In fact,

for some

, and so

Dividing by
, we obtain the desired result.
-crystalline-de Rham comparison)

be a framed

-algebra. Then there exists a natural isomorphism

be the unique lift of


with coordinates

. Let

be the Cech nerve of

. We have a surjection

with kernel

, and

is a cosimplicial

-algebra over


. To relate it to

, we use the bicomplex

. Notice that

is computed by the first row of this bicomplex and

is computed by the first column of this bicomplex. To show they are quasi-isomorphic, we combine:
- All horizontal maps give quasi-isomorphisms of the columns (reduce mod
and use the Poincare lemma: adding free variables does not change the cohomology). So the bicomplex totalizes to the first column.
- All rows except first column are acyclic (write down explicit combinatorial contracting homotopy). So the bicomplex also totalizes to the first row.
Prismatic cohomology via topological Hochschild homology
Finally, let us mention how to recover
from the topological Homology homology
. The characteristic 0 story is classical (Quillen, Connes, Tsygan...).

be a map of (commutative) rings. Define the
Hochschild homology to be

(i.e., derived self-intersection of the diagonal in

We observe:


is smooth, then

as graded

-algebras. Moreover, if

(characteristic 0), then we have a natural decomposition (a lift to the derived category)
To bring the de Rham differential in, one uses the following observation of Connes:
has an
-action. To see this use
is obtained by gluing two
's at two points). Then
induces a map
which is the de Rham differential under the previous theorem.
Define the
periodic homology to be the Tate cohomology of

(a periodic version of


is smooth, and

. Then
![$$\mathrm{HP}(B/A)\cong\Omega_{B/A}^* \otimes_A A[u,u^{-1}],$$](./latex/BhattEilenberg/latex2png-BhattEilenberg_214436660_.gif)

has degree 2.
Now let us come to the prismatic story. Let
be a perfect prism. Let
be a smooth algebra over
For any ring

, define the
topological Hochschild homology 
(point: tensoring over the sphere spectrum

gets rid of the factorials in the denominators). It also has an

-action, and we similarly define the
topological periodic homology 
to be the Tate cohomology of

(Bokstedt, Hesselholt)

be perfectoid. Then

has degree 2 (if tensor over

instead of the sphere spectrum, one gets the divided power algebra), and

be smooth over a perfectoid

. Then there is a filtration

