
Some plots from statistics gathered by the new Stacks project website. The first google checking in shows the number of times the google bot has been checking in over time (in total about 160000 times). The second count tags visited shows the cumulative count of tags looked up in the stacks project. This plot is a bit misleading. Precisely, there are

  • 391 tags which have been looked up at most 10 times,
  • 2377 tags which have been looked up at most 25 times,
  • 10109 tags which have been looked up at most 50 times, and
  • 10611 tags which have been looked up at most 100 times.

Unfortunately these numbers include hits from robots (mostly search engines). The most looked up tags are:

For some of these there doesn’t seem to be a good reason for them to be looked up more and so there must be some other reason why these get hit (i.e., the tag in question refers to something in “real” life).