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You have reached the page of Tat Sang Fung at Columbia University.
linkedin info
Teaching (classes meet in evenings)
STAT UN1201 Calculus-based intorudction to Probability and Statistics
(2024 Fall)
MATH GR5030 Numerixal Methods in Finance (2025 Spring)
(2025 Spring): Columbia University Mathematics of Finance Program (MAFN) priority registration
Academic integrity in a virtual learning environment
Pleas be aware of the academic integrity for virtual learning environment guidelines (subject to standard penalties from Columbia University):
Class materials are intellectual properties of the instructor. They must not be broadly shared (including on social media) without explicit consent of the instructor
Contents and discussions of the class must not be circulated outside the classroom. Audio and Visual recording of the class (if available) must not be circulated outside the classroom. This is especially critical to protect the identity of speakers. Failure to do so could be a form of bullying and endanger class participants
Students are not permitted to record any portion of the class sessions without the explicit consent of the instructor
Full texts:
You may find the GSAS integrity guide at
and if you are an undergraduate
You can reach me on linkedin here
If you want to know more about me please click here for my selected writings
If you have questions, you can reach me by sending an email to: tsf1@columbia.edu
last update: Aug 18, 2023