Was ist [eine Seele]? – Es ist negativ leicht bestimmt: es ist eben das, was sich verkriecht, wenn man von algebraischen Reihen hört.                                    

            Robert Musil,   Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften


Michael Harris

Office number: 521

Telephone:  212-854-0143


Office hours Fall 2018:  Tuesday 4:30-5:30, Thursday 11:00-12:00, and by appointment

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Electronic files of articles (since 2000)

Research articles 
(revised February 2017)          


Other articles (and presentations)  (revised July 2017)                                                                                         




MATHEMATICS WITHOUT APOLOGIES:  A portrait of a problematic vocation 


Princeton University Press website



Video of European Research Council project Arithmetic of Automorphic MOTives,

at the website of the Institut des Hautes-Études Scientifiques.



(revised periodically; most recently on February 11, 2017)

Expository articles and lectures


Older courses


Math UN1201, Calculus III, sections 6 and 7 (fall 2018)

Math W4043, Algebraic number theory (fall 2017)

Math G6657, Algebraic number theory (spring 2018)

Math GR8659, Topics in automorphic forms (spring 2017)

Math V2000, Introduction to higher mathematics (fall 2016)

Math W4045, Algebraic curves  (fall 2016)

Math G6659, Topics in automorphic forms (spring 2016)

Math W4042, Modern algebra II (fall 2015)

Math W4043, Algebraic number theory (fall 2015)

Math W4044, Representations of finite groups (spring 2015)

Math G6659, Topics in automorphic forms (spring 2015)

Math W4043, Algebraic number theory (fall 2013)

Math G6245, Coherent cohomology of Shimura varieties (fall 2013)