Sonya Kovalevsky Day 2012

March 23, 2012

Barnard College, Columbia University, and the Urban Assembly Institute

Tenative Schedule

Time Event
8:45-9:00 Registration and refreshments.
9:00-9:30 Welcome and overview of the day.
Workshop series A:
"The Mathematics of SET"
Barnard 409
Workshop series B:
"Jump Ropes and Arithmetic: Conway's Rational Tangles"
Barnard 302
Workshop series C:
"How to Solve a Rubik's Cube"
The James Room
Workshop series A:
"Trailing the Dovetail Shuffle to its Lair"
Barnard 409
Workshop series B:
"What Are the Odds?"
Barnard 302
Workshop series C:
"Music Meets its Match: Mod-12 Math and Melody"
Barnard 304
Workshop series A:
"Jump Ropes and Arithmetic: Conway's Rational Tangles"
Barnard 409
Workshop series B:
"Music Meets its Match: Mod-12 Math and Melody"
Barnard 302
Workshop series C:
"Pascal's Triangle"
Barnard 304
12:30-1:00 Lunch!
1:00-2:00 Problem solving competition.
2:00-2:15 Awards for competition, closing remarks.



Speaker Topic Speaker Topic
Dave Bayer "Trailing the Dovetail Shuffle to its Lair" Catherine O'Neil "How to Solve a Rubik's Cube"
Jennifer Hom "Jump Ropes and Arithmetic: Conway's Rational Tangles" Daniela De Silva "What Are the Odds?"
Dusa McDuff "The Mathematics of SET" Lauren Spencer "Music Meets its Match: Mod-12 Math and Melody"
Walter Neumann "Pascal's Triangle"    


More on Sonya Kovalevsky

(or Sofia Kovalevskaya?)

Behind the Scenes

Organizers. Mara Lewin-Tankel (UAI), Robert Lipshitz (Columbia) and Daniela De Silva (Barnard)

Funding. This event was partially supported by a Sonya Kovalevsky Day grant from the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), a program which in turn is funded by the National Science Foundation; and by an undergraduate science education grant to Barnard College from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

The AWM maintains a list of other Sonya Kovalevsky Day events here.

More behind-the-scenes information. We plan to write a page with information helpful for planning this kind of event, including materials used in the workshops. If you would like to be notified when this page is written, e-mail Robert Lipshitz.