Columbia University Mathematics ColloquiumFall 2003 |
Columbia Mathematics Department Colloquium meets in Math 520 every
two to three weeks on Wednesday afternoons at 4:15, and is preceded by
tea at 3:45. Colloquiua are of general mathematical interest and
aimed at both faculty and graduate students.
Spring 2004 Schedule
Sept. 17 | Peter Li - University of California, Irvine | Complete manifolds with positive spectrum |
Oct. 15 |
Yuri Tschinkel - Universität
Göttingen |
On the arithmetic of K3
surfaces Abstract: I will explain some results and constructions on K3 surfaces over countable fields. |
Nov. 12 | Frank Merle - Université de Cergy-Pontoise & IAS | Understanding formation of singulatity in critical nonlinear Schrodinger equations |
Dec. 3
Ken Ono - Wisconsin- Madison
Class groups and elliptic curves Abstract: We consider questions related to the arithmetic of elliptic curves and quadratic number fields, two of the most basic objects in algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry. We shall survey classical questions of Gauss, Cohen and Lenstra, Goldfeld, and Mazur on the `expected' behavior of ideal class groups, Mordell-Weil groups, and Shafarevich-Tate groups. The purpose of this lecture is to review these fundamental questions and to present recent results. |
Organizer: Panagiota Daskalopoulos.