Henry C. Pinkham

September 1948 - June 2023

Professor of Mathematics

Columbia University in the City of New York
618a Mathematics
New York, NY 10027

Phone: 212-851-9306
Email: hcp3 at columbia.edu

Curriculum vitae

Research Interests

Algebraic geometry: singularities, deformation theory, relation of local and global moduli problems, degeneration of surfaces, projective embeddings. Computer algebra. Computer graphics. Optimization and the real and complex algebraic geometry of symmetric quadratic forms. Representation theory. The mathematics of economics.

An Unpublished Paper

Paper 14 of my CV,  "Courbes planes ayant une seule place à l'infini", is incorrectly listed as having been published in the Demazure-Pinkham-Teisser Seminar at the Ecole Polytechnique, SLN 777.  This is incorrect.  It was never published, as was pointed out to me by Bernard Teissier, whom I thank.  So here is a scan of the original. 

Current Projects

Textbook on Linear Algebra.  The latest draft can be found here.

Textbook on "Analysis, Convexity, and Optimization."  The latest draft can be found here.


Linear Algebra.  Spring 2015.

Honors Linear Algebra. Mathematics 2020. Spring 2013.
We used Lang's Linear Algebra, Third Edition (Springer) as the textbook.  Here is a commentary on Lang's book.

Algebraic Curves. Mathematics 4045. Spring 2012. An upper level undergraduate course for mathematics majors.  Other resources are given in the formulary and an augmented syllabus.

Analysis and Optimization. Mathematics 2500. Fall 2010, repeated in Spring 2012. A semester course for Mathematics and Economics majors.

Introduction to Modern Analysis. Mathematics 4061 and Mathematics 4062. A full-year course for mathematics majors. Academic year 2006-07.

Masterpieces of Western Music. Humanities 1123. Fall 2004, repeated in Fall 2005.

Teaching Award

Winner of the 1999 Mark van Doren Teaching Award.
