Kontsevich's recursion for the number of rational degree d plane curves passing through 3d-1 general points is an application of the theory of stable maps and quantum cohomology to enumerative geometry. I will discuss an extension of this theory to stacks -- due to Abramovich, Graber, and Vistoli -- and apply it to the enumerative geometry of curves with tangency conditions. This application requires the following stack construction. Given a scheme Y and an effective Cartier divisor D, there is a stack over Y with the property that a morphism f: C --> Y from a smooth curve into Y lifts to the stack precisely when f*(D) is a multiple of 2 (assuming C intersects D properly). In the case where D is a smooth cubic in the projective plane, the genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of this stack are enumerative and can be computed from the WDVV equations.