Afternoon program -- First week

2005 AMS Summer Institute on Algebraic Geometry

Afternoon program -- First week

Other schedules: 1st morning, 2nd morning, 2nd afternoon, 3rd morning, 3rd afternoon; Home page, Map

Titles of afternoon talks may be found below.

Schedule of afternoon talks:

Click on the speaker's name for slides (if available).

  Location: Sieg 134 Miller 301 Elec. Eng. 105 Mech. Eng. 103
July 25
2-2:50 B. Siebert A. Bertram H. Nakajima I. Nikolaev
3:10-4 M. Gross T. Graber E. Markman E. Katz
4:40-5:30 T.-J. Li A. Gathmann R. Donagi H. D'Souza
July 26
2-2:50 D. Auroux C. Faber A. Caldararu J. Martens
3:10-4 F. Campana C.-C. M. Liu T. Hausel L. Chen
4:40-5:30 H. Tamvakis T. Jarvis L. Göttsche W.-D. Ruan
July 27
July 28
2-2:50 D. Huybrechts Y.-H. Kiem T. Coates A. Ksir
3:10-4 L. Katzarkov Y.-P. Lee J. Bryan A. Gibney
4:40-5:30 J. Ross C. Teleman S. Katz B. Kreussler
July 29
2-2:50 M. Mulase B. Fantechi W.-P. Li D. Arcara
3:10-4 L. Caporaso Y. Ruan K. Behrend J. Amoros
4:40-5:30 G. Farkas I. Ciocan-Fontanine J. Li D. Oprea

Titles of afternoon talks:

Click on the title of a talk for an abstract, and on the speaker's name for slides (if available).

Arcara: Moduli spaces in the derived category of K3 surfaces

Amoros: Mapping tori and homotopy properties of closed symplectic four-manifolds

Auroux: Homological mirror symmetry for blowups of CP^2

Behrend: Donaldson-Thomas invariants via microlocal geometry

Bertram: Relative stable maps and admissible covers

Bryan: The local Gromov-Witten theory of curves

Caldararu: Duflo, Riemann-Roch, and Cardy -- Lie theory, algebraic geometry, and physics: unified

Campana: Multiple fibres, orbifolds, and classification theory

Caporaso: Néron models over moduli of stable curves

Chen: The equivariant cohomology of quot schemes

Ciocan-Fontanine: A generalization of the Hori-Vafa conjecture

Coates: The Gromov-Witten theory of a point and KdV

D'Souza: Automorphism and collineation groups of good curves

Donagi: Geometric transitions, Calabi-Yau integrable systems, and open GW invariants

Faber: On motives for cusp forms

Fantechi: The virtual fundamental class revisited

Farkas: Effective divisors on the moduli space of curves

Gathmann: Relative Gromov-Witten invariants and tropical geometry

Gibney: A higher dimensional analog of the moduli space of stable pointed rational curves

Graber: Gromov-Witten theory of orbifolds and their crepant resolutions

Göttsche: Instanton counting, Donaldson invariants and line bundles on moduli spaces of sheaves on rational surfaces

Gross: Moduli of log Calabi-Yau spaces and mirror symmetry

Hausel: Cohomology of hyperkähler moduli spaces via arithmetic harmonic analysis

Huybrechts: Derived equivalences of twisted K3 surfaces

Jarvis: The virtual class in orbifold and stringy cohomology and K-theory

E. Katz: Relative Gromov-Witten invariants and symplectic field theory

S. Katz: Algebraic geometry and string theory

Katzarkov: Generalized Hodge structures and homological mirror symmetry

Kiem: Desingularizations of moduli spaces of rank 2 sheaves with trivial determinant

Kreussler: Stability and the structure of the derived category of coherent sheaves on irreducible curves of genus one

Ksir: Finite group actions on Riemann Roch spaces and automorphisms of algebraic geometry codes

Lee: Invariance of tautological equations: conjectures and applications

J. Li: Dimension zero Donaldson-Thomas invariants

T.-J. Li: Symplectic Calabi-Yau surfaces and equivariant stable homotopy

W.-P. Li: Some computations of Donaldson-Thomas invariants

Liu: Relative Gromov-Witten theory and Hodge integrals

Markman: Moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 and abelian surfaces: their symmetries and monodromy

Martens: Instanton counting and non-abelian localization

Mulase: Witten-Kontsevich theory revisited: a survey of recent developments

Nakajima: Instanton counting: the K-theoretic partition function

Nikolaev: Noncommutative geometry of algebraic curves

Oprea: On the intersection theory of the moduli space of rank 2 bundles

Ross: Stability of polarized varieties

W.-D. Ruan: Homological mirror symmetry for weighted projective spaces

Y. Ruan: Twisted K-theory and its product

Siebert: Tropical manifolds -- a finite element method in complex and symplectic geometry

Tamvakis: Gromov-Witten invariants on isotropic Grassmannians

Teleman: Loop groups and moduli of G-bundles on Riemann surfaces

Other schedules: 1st morning, 2nd morning, 2nd afternoon, 3rd morning, 3rd afternoon; Home page, Map