Afternoon program -- Third week

2005 AMS Summer Institute on Algebraic Geometry

Afternoon program -- Third week

Other schedules: 1st morning, 1st afternoon, 2nd morning, 2nd afternoon, 3rd morning; Home page, Map

Titles of afternoon talks may be found below.

Schedule of afternoon talks:

Click on the speaker's name for slides (if available).

  Location: Thomson 101 Elec. Eng. 105 Mech. Eng. 246 Mech. Eng. 103
August 8
2-2:50 D. Arinkin K. Kedlaya A. Kresch C. Pedrini
3:10-4 T. Mochizuki J. de Jong* W. Haboush E. Gasparim
4:40-5:30 D. Nadler J. Ellenberg M. de Cataldo A. Yekutieli
August 9
2-2:50 A. Bondal M. Larsen S. Kimura S. Sertöz
3:10-4 J. Lurie M. Lieblich* P. Balmer M. Schütt
4:40-5:30 F. Oort D. Kaledin J. Starr B. Wang
7:30-8:30   M. Reid    
August 10
August 11
2-2:50 M. Larsen M. Olsson B. Conrad A. Sano
3:10-4 B. Hassett A. Vistoli   C. Chin
4:40-5:30 D. Kaledin N. Katz B. Toën D. Krashen
August 12
2-2:50 M. Larsen M. Nori I. Mirkovic K. Lauter
3:10-4 B. Hassett S. Bloch   M. Garuti
4:40-5:30 D. Kaledin R. Hain   A. Ghitza

*M. Lieblich's talk will be a continuation of J. de Jong's talk.

Special evening talk: At 7:30 pm on Tuesday, August 9, Miles Reid will deliver a special lecture entitled K3s and Fano 3-folds, Tom and Jerry. This lecture will be held in Elec. Eng. 105.

Titles of afternoon talks:

Click on the title of a talk for an abstract, and on the speaker's name for slides (if available).

Arinkin: Quantum groupoids and completely integrable systems

Balmer: Support varieties for triangulated categories

Bloch: Motives associated to graphs

Bondal: Derived categories of toric varieties

Chin: Independence of ell of monodromy groups

Conrad: Root numbers and ranks

De Cataldo: The Hodge theory of algebraic maps

De Jong: Brauer groups I: moduli of Azumaya algebras

Ellenberg: Asymptotics and upper bounds for rational points on algebraic varieties

Garuti: Barsotti-Tate groups and representations of the fundamental group scheme

Gasparim: Holomorphic surgery and topology of moduli spaces

Ghitza: Theta operator for Siegel modular forms

Hain: Hyperelliptic motives

Haboush: Generalized Bruhat decompositions and infinite lattice varieties: an introduction to Langlands duals in the theory of loop and looplike spaces

Hassett #1 (Thursday): Weak approximation for rationally connected varieties over function fields of curves
Hassett #2 (Friday): Density of rational points on K3 surfaces

Kaledin: Derived equivalences by quantization
Lecture #1 (Tuesday): Motivation and statements
Lecture #2 (Thursday): Quantization
Lecture #3 (Friday): Derived equivalences

Katz: Easy open questions on finite fields

Kedlaya: p-adic differential equations and p-adic cohomology: recent progress

Kimura: On finite dimensionality of motives

Krashen: Zero cycles on homogeneous varieties

Kresch: Progress on the geometry of Deligne-Mumford stacks

Larsen: Criteria for l-adic monodromy to be large

Lauter: Constructing genus 2 curves with applications to cryptography

Lieblich: Brauer groups II: Twisted sheaves and applications

Lurie: Elliptic cohomology and derived algebraic geometry

Mirkovic: Lie algebras in positive characteristic: geometry and Langlands duality

Mochizuki: Tame harmonic bundles and their applications

Nadler: Morse theory and tilting sheaves

Nori: Motives in characteristic zero

Olsson: Nonabelian p-adic Hodge theory

Oort: Hecke orbits in moduli spaces

Pedrini: On the transcendental part of the motive of a surface

Reid: K3s and Fano 3-folds, Tom and Jerry

Sano: Geometry of varieties of lattices over Witt vectors

Schütt: Arithmetic of K3 surfaces

Sertöz: Orbits in the anti-invariant sublattice of the K3-lattice

Starr: Rationally simply-connected varieties and rational points

Toën: Higher stacks -- an overview

Vistoli: Tame artin stacks

Wang: Second-order deformations and the Clemens conjecture

Yekutieli: Deformation quantization in algebraic geometry

Other schedules: 1st morning, 1st afternoon, 2nd morning, 2nd afternoon, 3rd morning; Home page, Map