Monthly Archives: August 2004

DPF 2004

The Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society has been having its annual meeting at UC Riverside during th past few days, and some of the plenary talks have been put on-line. Particularly interesting is the talk … Continue reading

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New Word Enters English Language

A new preprint by Tom Banks is out, about his idea of “Cosmological Supersymmetry Breaking”. One notable aspect of the paper is a new terminology to describe Weinberg’s “prediction” about the cosmological constant. Since the term “anthropic principle” normally applied … Continue reading

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The Landscape in Scientific American

The latest issue of Scientific American is devoted to articles about Einstein and his legacy. One article in the magazine doesn’t really have much to do with Einstein and I believe would make him gag if he were still around. … Continue reading

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Smolin on Loop Quantum Gravity

Larry Yaffe’s comments about string theory reflect well mainstream opinion in the particle physics community. On matters of fact I think what he has to say is pretty accurate, but I disagree with some of his statements that reflect not … Continue reading

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The Linear Collider Will Be Cold

For many years now, the highest priority of experimental particle physicists for a next-generation accelerator project has been a new electron-positron linear accelerator. The last high energy electron-positron collider, LEP, reached a total energy of 209 Gev before being shutdown … Continue reading

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Myhrvold on the Anthropic Principle

My old friend and Princeton roommate Nathan Myhrvold has written an excellent piece about the anthropic principle and the Smolin-Susskind debate that has just been posted on the Edge web-site. It seems to me to summarize the issues very clearly. … Continue reading

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Comments From Larry Yaffe

Jeff Harvey’s comment that it was Larry Yaffe who brought news of the Green-Schwarz anomaly cancellation result to Witten gave me the idea of contacting Larry to get a first-hand recollection of what the reaction was at Aspen back in … Continue reading

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Smolin and Susskind at the Edge

John Brockman at his “Edge” web-site has put up an exchange between Smolin and Susskind about the “multiverse” and the anthropic principle. This includes the page and a half paper by Susskind that was rejected by the arXiv. Susskind seems … Continue reading

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Jeff Harvey sent in a comment correcting me on a point of history in my last posting. I’d read somewhere about Green and Schwarz fed-exing their paper to Witten, and had assumed this was their idea. Harvey, who was at … Continue reading

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Twentieth Anniversary of the First Superstring Revolution

Today a symposium is being held in Aspen to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the “First Superstring Revolution”. The canonical story of this “Revolution” is that twenty years ago this month, on a dark and stormy night at a workshop … Continue reading

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