Monthly Archives: November 2005

Two Conferences

Two recent interesting conferences that have some materials available on-line: Last week the Perimeter Institute held a workshop on Emergence of Spacetime. Some of the talks are available at the Perimeter streaming video site (scroll to the bottom of the … Continue reading

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Slate on Krauss

Slate today has an article entitled Theory of Anything? about Lawrence Krauss’s recent book and the controversy over string theory. The article begins by describing Krauss as having “a reputation for shooting down pseudoscience.” and goes on to say: Yet … Continue reading

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All Sorts of Links

Here’s a collection of things I’ve run across recently that may be of interest: The Tevatron is doing quite well, with sizable increases in luminosity in recent months. There are some articles telling about this in Fermilab Today, and you … Continue reading

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A Particle Theorist’s Perspective on String Theory

There’s a new posting over at Cosmic Variance by JoAnne Hewett of SLAC about string theory, entitled A Particle Physicist’s Perspective. It gives a good idea of what I believe most non-string-theorist particle physicists think about string theory. She does … Continue reading

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Jim Simons in the New York Times

There’s an article (unfortunately not available for free) in today’s New York Times based on an interview with the normally publicity-shy mathematician Jim Simons of Chern-Simons fame. Simons runs the incredibly successful hedge fund Renaissance Technologies, and I’ve written something … Continue reading

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Seed Magazine On-line

The recently relaunched science magazine Seed has a new web-site. You can read their article on physics blogs, and it will be interesting to see what they do in coming months with the new site.

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Templeton on ID

I’ve criticized the Templeton Foundation in the past for their endless attempts to blur the line between science and religion, supporting some of the most dubious research in cosmology and physics. To be fair to them, at least they are … Continue reading

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More Swampiness

Jacques Distler has a new posting about the Swampland, based on hearing a talk by Cumrun Vafa and discussions with him in Eugene, Oregon. Vafa seems to have made clear to Jacques that what he had in mind was just … Continue reading

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Lawrence Krauss at Cosmic Variance

There’s an interesting guest posting from Lawrence Krauss over at Cosmic Variance. I think I’ll turn off the comment section on this posting here, since if people want to discuss this, it is probably best done over there.

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Superstrings at Princeton

Yesterday, Princeton University, as part of an effort to bring physics to a wide audience during the centennial of Einstein’s great work of 1905, sponsored a performance of Superstrings. This event featured a lecture by Oxford physicist Brian Foster as … Continue reading

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