Monthly Archives: June 2006

Some Links

The Cao-Zhu paper at the Asian Journal of Mathematics that is supposed to have a complete proof of the Poincare and geometrization conjectures is still not available, but the introduction to the paper has been posted there. If you’re not … Continue reading

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Zwiebach Letter to the WSJ

Over at his web-site, Lubos has posted a letter to the Wall Street Journal from Barton Zwiebach. The letter seriously misrepresents the current state of string theory in several ways: string theory is an extraordinarily precise and rigorous framework where … Continue reading

Posted in Not Even Wrong: The Book | 59 Comments

Responses To WSJ Article

The lack of any serious (Lubos doesn’t count) response to my book from string theorists since its appearance in the UK a month or so ago has begun to surprise me a bit. I was also suprised at how weak … Continue reading

Posted in Not Even Wrong: The Book | 73 Comments

Talks at Strings 2006 Now Available

Slides from the talks at Strings 2006 are now available. I’ve spent a little while looking through them today, and am sorry I don’t have time to say much about them. Lots of more or less the same thing as … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 15 Comments

Yarn Theory

A couple people wrote in this morning to tell me about today’s Doonesbury, which features slacker Zipper Harris (who has a blog) trying to impress a woman he last saw in sophomore year of college. He’s still undecided about his … Continue reading

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NEW in the WSJ

Today’s Wall Street Journal has an article by Sharon Begley entitled Has String Theory Tied Up Better Ideas In Field of Physics? (sorry, subscription required for on-line version). The summary of the article goes After two decades in which string … Continue reading

Posted in Not Even Wrong: The Book | 26 Comments

This Week’s Hype

The Economist has an article this week entitled To catch a gravitational wave. It’s about the proposed LISA satellite experiment designed to measure gravitational waves, with a much greater sensitivity than LIGO. According to the article, what would you guess … Continue reading

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LHC News

JoAnne Hewett at Cosmic Variance reports that the latest LHC commissioning plan will not involve collisions at 14 TeV until 2008, with earliest physics run in April 2008. First collisions will be in November 2007, but at Tevatron energies. Until … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 21 Comments

The String Theory Backlash

Over at Cosmic Variance Sean Carroll has a posting about The String Theory Backlash. Probably best if anyone who wants to discuss it do so over there, so I’ll turn off comments here. Update: More about this here. Update: The … Continue reading

Posted in Not Even Wrong: The Book | Comments Off on The String Theory Backlash

Strings 2006

Strings 2006 is about to get underway in Beijing, at a hotel next to Tiananmen Square, with public talks by David Gross, Andy Strominger and Stephen Hawking. Jonathan Shock reports that an agreement was formally signed today creating the KITPC, … Continue reading

Posted in Strings 2XXX | 35 Comments