Monthly Archives: October 2007

Pressure Mounts to Tie String Theory to the Real World

Last week David Gross was in New Mexico, giving an “unclassified talk” at Los Alamos, and one on The State of String Theory at the Santa Fe Institute. There’s a report on the Los Alamos talk from the Los Alamos … Continue reading

Posted in This Week's Hype | 15 Comments

Is Science Near Its Limits?

The past two days I’ve been at a conference here in Lisbon organized by the Gulbenkian Foundation on the ostensible topic of Is Science Near Its Limits? The Gulbenkian is probably the most well-known and best-funded cultural organization in Portugal, … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 61 Comments

Comment on Technicolor/Extended Technicolor Models

Robert Shrock of Stony Brook sent me the following to post as a response to one of the comments on the latest posting. With his permission I’m putting it here as a separate posting, since I think it’s a valuable … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

String Theory’s Next Top Model

I’ll write soon about the conference I spoke at today in Lisbon. A few hours ago I participated in an interesting discussion about some of the issues around string theory with two string theorists. One of them was quite vehement … Continue reading

Posted in This Week's Hype | 11 Comments

Future Linear Colliders

There are two highly active projects to design a linear collider that would collide electrons and positrons at energies higher than those achieved at LEP. Recently there were workshops discussing the state of the projects. The ILC is the farthest … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 35 Comments

Susskind Joins PI

I haven’t been able to confirm Lubos Motl’s claims that the Perimeter Institute offered him a job, but yesterday they announced that Lenny Susskind has accepted an offer to join them as an associate member. According to the announcement, this … Continue reading

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Accumulated Links

Various things that I’ve been wanting to mention: Steven Hawking has a paper out, on his version of the Landscape story, using amplitudes that don’t rely upon string theory or eternal inflation. But just like the string theory Landscape I … Continue reading

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The Great Cosmic Roller-Coaster Ride

More than three years ago Scientific American ran a feature article by Bousso and Polchinski promoting the then new idea of The String Theory Landscape. Now that this pseudo-science has become well-entrenched in the physics community, this month’s issue of … Continue reading

Posted in This Week's Hype | 9 Comments

Latest From The LHC

The LHC web-site contains a wealth of up-to-date information about how things are going there as they are commissioning the machine. In particular, one can follow the latest news about how things are going in each sector here, which may … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 24 Comments

Lubos on Lenny

Last night a new paper by Lenny Susskind appeared on the arXiv, carrying the title The Census Taker’s Hat. It seems that Lubos Motl stayed up much of the night reading it, with a long posting on the subject appearing … Continue reading

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