Monthly Archives: July 2008

Blogging Heads Science Saturday

Today’s “Science Saturday” on Bloggingheads features me and Sabine Hossenfelder, supposedly talking about What’s wrong with string theory. Actually, we both agreed that we were pretty tired of that topic, so tried to discuss some more interesting related issues we … Continue reading

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Gauge Theory and Langlands Duality

At the KITP in Santa Barbara there’s a wonderful program on Gauge Theory and Langlands Duality starting up this week, with some of the talks beginning to become available. The main topic will be the relations between S-duality in quantum … Continue reading

Posted in Langlands | 11 Comments

The Emperor’s Last Clothes?

Bert Schellekens has posted on the arXiv an extended 87 page argument for the anthropic string theory landscape, entitled The Emperor’s Last Clothes? While most string theorists find the existence of the landscape and the corresponding inability to get any … Continue reading

Posted in Multiverse Mania | 25 Comments

Awaiting a Messenger From the Multiverse

As particle physicists eagerly await results from the LHC, many theorists are already promoting interpretations of what they hope it will find. This week’s Chronicle of Higher Education has a cover story on the LHC entitled The Machine at the … Continue reading

Posted in Multiverse Mania | 28 Comments

Hawking to Perimeter?

The Canadian press today is putting out the story that Stephen Hawking may be abandoning Cambridge to move permanently to the Perimeter Institute, where he would join recently appointed director Neil Turok, as well as Lenny Susskind. From the stories … Continue reading

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Surfing the Universe

This week’s New Yorker has a quite good article by Benjamin Wallace-Wells entitled “Surfing the Universe” about Garrett Lisi and the controversy generated last year by his paper An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything (which I wrote about here). Unfortunately … Continue reading

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This and That

Some quick links: The Clay Mathematics Institute is now making available for free online the books whose publication it has sponsored. These include the Morgan-Tian exposition of the proof of the Poincare conjecture. Surveys in Non-commutative geometry, which contains two … Continue reading

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Back to the Future

Several things have come up recently that brought up the year 1985, the year the film “Back to the Future” came out. This summer the IAS will be running a two-week program at the IAS on Strings and Phenomenology, designed … Continue reading

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LHC Update

Latest press release from CERN about the LHC says first beams “currently scheduled for August”. According to a presentation at the July 2 meeting of the LHC Technical Committee, the latest news is that “circulating beam not before September” (the … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 1 Comment

Interview With Atle Selberg

Sticking with the theme of the Riemann Hypothesis, the AMS has recently posted some articles to appear in an upcoming issue of the AMS Bulletin, one of which contains a long interview with Atle Selberg, who died last summer at … Continue reading

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