Monthly Archives: September 2008

Deal Breaker

Discussion of quantum gravity at a level similar to that of parts of the professional physics community makes it to prime-time TV: Update: I should have credited where I first saw reference to this (no, I don’t normally watch this … Continue reading

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Steve Hsu has a recent posting Survivor: theoretical physics, which links to data about the theoretical particle physics job market compiled by Erich Poppitz from listings on the Theoretical Particle Physics Rumor Mill web-site. Back in 2001-2 I also spent … Continue reading

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Proof of Resolution of Singularities in Characteristic p?

I’ve heard reports from Harvard that yesterday and today Heisuke Hironaka has been giving talks in the math department there, claiming to have a proof that singularities of algebraic varieties can be resolved for any dimension in characteristic p. This … Continue reading

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Meltdown at CERN

Besides the meltdown in the financial markets, perhaps of more concern to physicists is a meltdown at CERN, specifically in the connection between two magnets during powering tests being conducted at 11:17 last Friday the 19th. Here’s the daily report … Continue reading

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Far Off-topic

This posting will quickly veer far off the usual topics of this blog into political issues that I normally avoid like the plague. For once, the issues involved seem important enough to interrupt your regularly-scheduled programming. I hope to not … Continue reading

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News From All Over

There are two new particle theory blogs that I’ve noticed recently: Shores of the Dirac Sea, where David Berenstein and Moshe Rozali are blogging and the Physics Anti-Crackpot Blog, by an anonymous author at CERN. I don’t know who this … Continue reading

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Don’t Buy Into the Supercollider Hype

Some wag at the Wall Street Journal put the headline Don’t Buy Into the Supercollider Hype on today’s Op-Ed piece by Michio Kaku about the LHC, which describes its significance as follows: The LHC might shed light on the “theory … Continue reading

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Science in the 21st Century

This week the Perimeter Institute is hosting an unusual conference on Science in the 21st Century. One of the organizers is Sabine Hossenfelder, who has a posting discussing the conference here, and may have some more about it at her … Continue reading

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LHC Startup Tonight

There’s a media storm about the LHC building up as CERN makes last minute preparations to circulate a first beam in the machine. Cosmic Variance has live-blogging about this by a group of theorists, and Tommaso Dorigo will be in … Continue reading

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More LHC Predictions

Roger Highfield has gone out and asked several theorists for LHC predictions, with the following results. About supersymmetry: Arkani-Hamed My hunch is that there’s a better than evens chance that supersymmetry will show up at the LHC… Veltman I would … Continue reading

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