Monthly Archives: July 2010

Witten Talk and Interview

In conjunction with his receipt of the Newton Medal, Edward Witten gave a public talk in London (now available on-line here), and an interview (available as part of a pod-cast here). Witten’s talk was a rather polemical argument for string … Continue reading

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New Higgs Results From the Tevatron

Just got back from vacation this morning. Luckily I managed to be away for the blogosphere-fueled Higgs rumors, returned just in time to catch the released results which appeared in a Fermilab press release minutes ago. The ICHEP talk in … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 8 Comments

Various and Sundry

It seems that Jean-Pierre Serre now spends his time commenting on blogs. For those interested in particle physics history, there’s an interesting article by George Zweig here about his role in the discovery of quarks (which he called “aces”). There’s … Continue reading

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Perelman Turns Down Millennium Prize

The Clay Mathematics Institute today announced that Perelman has turned down the one million dollar Millennium prize: On June 8-9 CMI held a conference in Paris to celebrate the resolution of the Poincaré conjecture by Grigoriy Perelman. Dr. Perelman has … Continue reading

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