Monthly Archives: August 2012

Short Math Links

Some links of mathematical interest that I’ve recently run across: The life and work of Alexander Grothendieck is one of the great stories of modern mathematics. Winfried Scharlau’s first volume of a biography of Grothendieck, covering the years up to … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Simons Foundation and the arXiv

Via the Quantum Pontiff, news that the Simons Foundation will be providing up to \$300,000 in financial support to the arXiv for each of the next five year. Last year, the arXiv announced a \$60K planning grant from Simons. Now … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 22 Comments

Linde on Inflation and the Multiverse

Andrei Linde is one of Yuri Milner’s $3 million dollar men, best known for his “chaotic inflation” version of inflationary theory, as well as being one of the main proponents of anthropic multiverse mania. There’s a long piece based on … Continue reading

Posted in Multiverse Mania | 38 Comments

Bill Thurston, 1946-2012

Bill Thurston passed away yesterday, at the age of 65, after a battle with melanoma. Thurston was for many years the dominant figure in the study of 3 dimensional topology and geometry, winning a Fields medal for this work in … Continue reading

Posted in Obituaries | 15 Comments

This Week’s Hype

The Higgs suggests that there could be more dimensions of space-time than we previously thought. From a New Yorker piece this week (subscription required) about Joe Incandela of CMS and the Higgs discovery. Even the famed New Yorker fact-checkers are … Continue reading

Posted in This Week's Hype | 38 Comments

LHC News

The LHC is operating well, hitting record peak luminosities, with integrated luminosity for the year over 11 fb-1. By the end of the year there may be 25 fb-1 per experiment or so. Current plan seems to be to update … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 30 Comments

SUSY 2012, and Strassler on the String Wars

This post was originally going to be just about the latest SUSY exclusion results announced at SUSY 2012 and their significance, but I realized there’s nothing much new to say, and it would be tedious to just write the same … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 38 Comments

’t Hooft on Cellular Automata and String Theory

Gerard ’t Hooft in recent years has been pursuing some idiosyncratic ideas about quantum mechanics; for various versions of these, see papers like this, this, this and this. His latest version is last month’s Discreteness and Determinism in Superstrings, which … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 30 Comments

Short Items

There’s an interview with the CERN director here. John Preskill and others at the Caltech Institute for Quantum Information and Mattter now have a blog here. The usual summer workshop on math and physics at Stony Brook is now running … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 26 Comments


For many years now discussion in the HEP community of what might be the appropriate next machine to try and finance and build after the LHC has centered around the idea of a linear electron-positron collider. The logic has been … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 30 Comments