Monthly Archives: March 2017

New LHC Results

This week results are being presented by the LHC experiments at the Moriond (twitter here) and Aspen conferences. While these so far have not been getting much publicity from CERN or in the media, they are quite significant, as first … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 60 Comments

This Time It’s For Real

Several months ago I was advertising a “Final draft version” of the book I’ve been working on forever. A month or two after that though, I realized that I could do a more careful job with some of the quantum … Continue reading

Posted in Quantum Theory: The Book | 39 Comments

Can the Laws of Physics be Unified?

There’s a new book out this week from Princeton University Press, Paul Langacker’s Can the Laws of Physics Be Unified? (surely this is a mistake, but there’s also an ISBN number for a 2020 volume with the same name by … Continue reading

Posted in Book Reviews, Multiverse Mania | 25 Comments

Reality is Not What It Seems

This Sunday’s New York Times has a rather hostile review by Lisa Randall of Carlo Rovelli’s popular book Reality is Not What It Seems, which has recently come out in English in the US. Rovelli responds with a Facebook post. … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 19 Comments