Mail: |
Department of Mathematics Columbia University 2990 Broadway New York, NY 10027, USA |
Email: | weitao dot zhu at columbia dot edu |
Hi, I am a fifth-year PhD student in mathematics at Columbia University. My advisor is Ivan Corwin and my main research interests include probability theory and integrable systems.
During fall 2021, I participated in the "Universality and Integrability in Random Matrix Theory and Interacting Particle Systems" program at the Mathematical Science Research Institute as a Vitulli program associate fellow.
Before Columbia, I was an undergraduate student at Williams College and my senior thesis advisor was Susan Loepp.
(with Sayan Das) The half-space log-Gamma polymers in the bound phase, 2023 [arXiv]
(with Sayan Das) Short and long-time path tightness of the continuum directed random polymer, to appear in Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Probab. Statist [arXiv]
(with Sayan Das) Localization of the continuum directed random polymer, 2022 [arXiv]
(with Sayan Das) Upper-tail large deviation principle for the ASEP, Electronic Journal of Probability, vol. 27 (2021) [arXiv]
(with Dimitrov et al) Tightness of Bernoulli Gibbsian line ensembles, Electronic Journal of Probability, vol. 26 (2020) [arXiv]
(with Cotron et al) Lacunary Eta-quotients modulo powers of primes, Ramanujan Journal (2020). [DOI]
(with Di Giosia et al) Optimal monohedral tilings of hyperbolic surfaces, 2019. [arxiv]
(with Bongiovanni et al) Double bubbles on the real line with log-convex density, 2017. [arxiv]
(with Di Giosia et al) The log convex density conjecture in hyperbolic space, Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Math Journal (2017). [DOI]
- (with Di Giosia et al) Balls isoperimetric in R^n with volume and perimeter densities r^m and r^k, 2016. [arxiv]
Invited Talks
- University of Maryland, College Park Probability Seminar, Feb 2023
- Columbia University Probability Seminar, Feb 2023
- Columbia-Princeton Probability Day (short talk), Apr 2021
- Instructor: Summer 2021 - MATH UN1102 - Calculus II, rating: 4.5/5
Teaching assistant:
- Spring 2023 - Current - Probability II (graduate)
- Spring 2021 - Fall 2022 - Calculus I, II, III, Linear Algebra
- Fall 2020 - GR6151 - Analysis and Probability I (graduate), rating: 5/5
- Fall 2021 - Organizer of the MSRI program associates' seminar (Partially co-organized with Yujin Kim)
- Spring 2019 - (co-organizer with Juan Munoz and Nguyen Chi Dung) Michael Zhao Memorial Student Colloquium