Hanlin Cai

Email: x@columbia.edu where x=hc3589

Currently I am a postdoc at Columbia University in the city of New York under the guidance of Aise Johan de Jong. Previously I was a graduate student at University of Utah mentored by Karl Schwede and Sean Howe. Before that, I went to Peking University. Here is my CV.

Papers and preprints

  • Perfectoid signature, perfectoid Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity, and an application to local fundamental groups, with Seungsu Lee, Linquan Ma, Karl Schwede, Kevin Tucker
  • Characterizing perfectoid covers of abelian varieties, with Rebecca Bellovin and Sean Howe (an appendix by Tongmu He)
  • Plus-pure thresholds of some cusp-like singularities in mixed characteristic, with Suchitra Pande, Eamon Quinlan-Gallego, Karl Schwede, Kevin Tucker
  • Notes and expository writings

  • Realizing $\widehat{\mathcal{O}}_{G_m^\sharp}$-comodules explicitly
  • Notes on Condensed Mathematics
  • Notes on the Tate Construction