The Spring 2015 Ritt Lectures by Professor Manjul Bhargava will take place on March 26th and March 27th. Professor Manjul Bhargava (Princeton University) will deliver a two talk series titled: “How likely is it for an integer polynomial to take a square value?”
Abstract: We address the question in the title! The first talk will focus on the case of degree at most 3, leading naturally to the study of rational points on “elliptic curves”. The second talk will focus on degrees higher than 3, leading naturally to the study of rational points on “hyperelliptic curves”. In each case, we wish to describe what is expected conjecturally, and what can now be proven in these directions.
Lecture 1: Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 5:30 pm Held Lecture Hall, 304 Barnard Hall, Barnard College
3009 Broadway at West 117th Street
Tea will be served at 5 pm in 508 Mathematics Hall
2990 Broadway at West 117th Street
Lecture 2: Friday, March 27, 2015 at 3:30 pm Held Lecture Hall, 304 Barnard Hall, Barnard College
3009 Broadway at West 117th Street
Tea will be served at 3 pm in 508 Mathematics Hall
2990 Broadway at West 117th Street