Prof. Roman Bezrukavnikov (MIT) will give a weekly lecture every Thursday during the Spring 2016 semester for the Samuel Eilenberg Lecture Series. The lectures begin on Thursday, January 21, 2016.
Title: “Geometric categorification in representation theory”.
Abstract: “The Kazhdan-Lusztig conjectures (stated in the late 70’s, proved in 1980) are a celebrated example of a numerical representation-theoretic question resolved by linking it to a deep algebro-geometric phenomenon. The solution is based on comparing two ways to categorify a given vector space (in this case, the space of functions on the Weyl group): a geometric and an algebraic one. Comparisons of this sort turn out to be a common thread in a number of later results motivated by geometric Langlands duality, mirror duality etc, providing new ways to apply algebraic geometry to representation theory and vice versa. Such results and their consequences will be discussed in the lectures.”
Location: 417 Mathematics Hall
Thursdays at 2:40 pm.