Special Seminar
Come join usĀ Friday January 26, 2018 at 12 pm in RM 507, Professor Laura Starkston (Stanford) will be giving a special lecture about “The Symplectic Isotopy Problem & Lagrangian Skeleta”.
Symplectic manifolds decompose into a symplectic divisor and an
exact Weinstein manifold. We will discuss both sides of this essential
On the divisor side, we will focus on symplectic surfaces in 4-manifolds,
particularly the longstanding symplectic isotopy problem. We will leverage
singularities and study symplectic versions of line arrangements and
rational cuspidal curves. On the Weinstein side, we will see how to encode
the symplectic geometry of a 2n-dimensional manifold using the topology of
an n-dimensional singular complex: the Lagrangian skeleton.
Mathematics Hall, Room 507
Friday January 26, 2018 at 12 pm