Special Seminar
Come join us onĀ Monday, January 30, 2023 at 04:30pm in room 520, Professor Alisa Knizel (The University of Chicago) will be giving a special lecture titled “The Universality Phenomenon for Log-Gas Ensembles”.
Abstract: Though exactly solvable systems are very special, their asymptotic properties
are believed to be representative for larger families of models. In this way,
besides being interesting in their own right, exactly solvable systems are
exemplars of their conjectured universality classes and can be used to build
intuition and tools, as well as to make predictions. I will illustrate the phenomenon of
universality with the examples from my work on log-gas ensembles.
Location: Mathematics Hall, room 520
Date: Monday, January 30, 2023 at 04:30pm