This course is taken in sequence, part 1 in the fall, and part 2 in the spring.
I Differential Manifolds
- Smooth manifolds
- Smooth maps (submersions, immersions, embeddings)
- Tangent spaces and tangent bundles
- Vector bundles
- Vector fields (flows, Frobenius theorem)
- Lie groups and homogeneous spaces
- Covering maps and fibrations
- Tensors, differential forms, Stokes’ theorem
II Riemannian Geometry
- Riemannian metrics and connections
- Metrics and connections on vector bundles
- Geodesics
- Curvature
- Jacobi fields
- Isometric immersions (second fundamental form)
I Riemannian Geometry (continued)
- Complete manifolds
- Hopf-Rinow and Cartan-Hadamard theorems
- Manifolds of constant curvature
- First and second variations of energy
- Bonnet-Myers theorem, Synge’s theorem
II Principal Bundles
- Principal bundles and associated bundles
- Connections and curvatures on principal bundles
- Induced connections and curvatures on associated vector bundles
- Parallel transport and holonomy
- Characteristic classes
III Witten’s proof of the Positive Energy Theorem