The spring 2012 iteration of the Ellis R. Kolchin Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Prof. Tom Bridgeland (All Souls College, Oxford) on Monday, April 23rd. Prof. Bridgeland will give the following lecture:
“Tilting in Calabi-Yau Categories”
Abstract: Tilting is a fundamental operation in homological algebra, with a variety of applications in both algebra and geometry. After explaining the general idea, I will focus on two examples. The first involves birational transformations of threefolds; here the tilting concept has recently led to explicit formulae describing the way Donaldson-Thomas invariants change under flops. The second example involves triangulations of surfaces and quiver mutation.
Monday, April 23rd at 4:30 pm
Julius S. Held Lecture Hall – 304 Barnard Hall
Barnard College, 3009 Broadway at 117th Street
Tea will be served at 4:00 pm in 508 Mathematics Hall
2990 Broadway at 117th Street
For lecture details via our promotional flyer, please visit: