If you received a degree in mathematics from Columbia College, SEAS, GS or Barnard, we’d love to hear from you! What are you doing now? Does your work involve mathematics? In what ways did a math degree from Columbia prove useful? Please send all comments or questions to alumni@math.columbia.edu.
The Mathematics Department at Columbia has seen many changes recently. The number of majors has tripled over the past fifteen years and enrollments in our upper level courses have doubled. There are now many new joint majors, including Economics-Mathematics and Computer Science-Mathematics. The Undergraduate Mathematics Society has been a magnet for undergraduates. The highly acclaimed Masters Program in the Mathematics of Finance offers courses in mathematical finance, which may be available to advanced undergraduates or students in related disciplines. With its many research seminars and activities for the mathematical community, such as the Eilenberg Visiting Professorship and the Ritt and Kolchin lectures, the Department is a magnet for research in the New York metropolitan area as well as an exciting place to be a math major!
Columbia Alumni is a web-site containing information for all alumni of Columbia University. For alumni information from various different schools, see:
Columbia College
Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
The Masters Program in the Mathematics of Finance has its own web-page for alumni.