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Geometric aspects of p-adic Hodge theory


“Building up in a leisurely fashion, we will describe some recent advances in our understanding of the cohomology of algebraic varieties over p-adic fields, especially the integral cohomology. The main goal of the course is to define prismatic cohomology and explain how it unifies the various cohomology theories of interest in p-adic geometry. “

*Samuel Eilenberg Lecture Flyer*

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CONGRATULATIONS to Professor Dusa McDuff

2018 Sylvester Medal winner

Congratulations to Professor McDuff who was selected as the 2018 Sylvester Medal winner. The Sylvester Medal is now awarded annually for an outstanding researcher in the field of mathematics. McDuff will be awarded at the Royal Society’s Anniversary Day in November 2018 for leading the development of the new field of symplectic geometry and topology.

For more information please visit the link below;


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CONGRATULATIONS to Professor Corwin

2018 IMS Fellow

“Ivan Corwin, Professor of Mathematics, Columbia University, has been named Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS).  An induction ceremony will take place on July 2, 2018, at the IMS Annual Meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Dr. Corwin received the award for groundbreaking contributions in integrable probability, especially the theory of Macdonald processes, stochastic quantum integrable systems, and their connections with stochastic partial differential equations, random growth models, interacting particle systems, and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality.

Each Fellow nominee is assessed by a committee of his/her peers for the award.  In 2018, after reviewing 37 nominations, 20 were selected for Fellowship.  Created in 1935, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics is a member organization which fosters the development and dissemination of the theory and applications of statistics and probability. The IMS has 3,500 active members throughout the world.  Approximately 10% of the current IMS membership has earned the status of fellowship”.

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Math + Democracy

Join us for a series of talk on Tuesday May 8, 2018 at 12pm. This talk will be given by Professor Wesley Pegden (Carnegie Mellon University, Math department) held at NYU, Center for Data Science, 60 Fifth Ave, Room 150.


“Detecting Gerrymandering with Mathematical Rigor”


In February of this year, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court found Pennsylvania’s Congressional districting to be an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander.  In this talk, I will discuss one of the pieces of evidence which the court used to reach this conclusion.  In particular, I will discuss a theorem which allows us to use randomness to detect gerrymandering of Congressional districtings in a statistically rigorous way.

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Transport and Localization in Random Media: Theory and Applications

This workshop will present recent developments on wave propagation, scattering and diffusion in random medias at the interface of probability theory, mathematical physics and PDEs. Accessible lectures by leading mathematicians will catalyze interactions among both junior and senior researchers in fundamental and applied fields.

May 1 – 3, 2018

Organizers: Ivan Corwin, Alexis Drouot, Hao Shen, Michael I. Weinstein

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**NOTICE: The 4/19 Probability talk by Professor Edward Kaplan (Yale) has been cancelled however it will be rescheduled at a later date, for updates please visit the department calendar. **


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“We will present an elementary problem and a conjecture regarding percolation on planar graphs suggested by assuming quasi invariance of percolation crossing probabilities under coarse conformal uniformization.”

Probability on groups, a bird eye survey and open problems

“I will review the state of the art in percolation on groups and related topics.”

*Minerva Lecture Flyer*

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“Just over 50 years ago the modern era of Set Theory began with Cohen’s discovery of the method of forcing and his proof of the independence of the Continuum Hypothesis from the ZFC axioms of Set Theory. 25 years before Cohen’s discovery of forcing, Gödel discovered the Constructible Universe of Sets and defined the  axiom “V = L” which is the axiom that asserts that every set is constructible.  This axiom implies the Continuum Hypothesis and more importantly,  Cohen’s method of forcing cannot be used in the context of the axiom “V = L”.

However the axiom “V = L” must be rejected since it limits the fundamental nature of infinity. In particular the axiom refutes (most) strong axioms of infinity.

A key question emerges. Is there an “ultimate” version of Gödel’s constructible universe yielding an axiom “V = Ultimate L” which retains the power of the axiom “V = L” for resolving questions like that of the Continuum Hypothesis, which is also immune against Cohen’s method of forcing, and yet which does not refute strong axioms of infinity?

Until recently there seemed to be a number of convincing arguments as to why no such ultimate L can possibly exist. But the situation is now changed.”

*Kolchin Lecture Flyer*

Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 4:30 p.m.

Mathematics Hall, Room 520

2990 Broadway at 117th Street

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CONGRATULATIONS to Professor Weinstein!

2018 SIAM’s Martin Kruskal Prize Lecture

Congratulations to Michael Weinstein who was selected as the 2018 Martin Kruskal Prize Lecturer. The prize will be awarded by the SIAM Activity Group on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (SIAG/NWCS) at their meeting in June 2018.

For more information please visit the link below;


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**NOTICE: Due to inclement weather, the talk for 3/21 has been postponed to 3/22. **

The spring 2018 Ritt Lectures, by Professor Michael Eichmair, will take place on Tuesday, March 20, 2018 between 2:45 – 3:45pm in Rm 417 and Thursday, March 22, 2018 between 5:30 – 6:30pm in Rm 417. Professor Eichmair (University of Vienna), will deliver a two talk series titled:

“Scalar Curvature & Isoperimetry in the Large”


According to the initial value formulation of general relativity, all that is future and all that is past is contained in a glimpse of a space-time. This correspondence between the physics of the evolving space-time and the geometry of initial data for the Einstein equations is highly non-linear. The works of H. Bray, D. Christodoulou, G. Huisken, R. Schoen, S.-T. Yau, and others suggests isoperimetry (How much area is needed to enclose a given amount of volume in initial data for the space-time?) as a tool for extracting physical information about the space-time from the initial data. I will discuss recent proofs of a number of their conjectures in my two lectures.

This is joint work with S. Brendle, with O. Chodosh, with O. Chodosh, Y. Shi, and H. Yu, and with O. Chodosh, Y. Shi, and J. Zhu.

Tea will be served at 4 pm in 508 Mathematics.

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