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Spring 2013 Ritt Lectures by Prof. Jonathan Pila

The Spring 2013 Ritt Lectures by Prof. Jonathan Pila will take place on April 29th and April 30th. Prof. Pila (University of Oxford) will deliver a two talk series titled:

“Functional transcendence and atypical intersections”

Abstract:  I will explain the Zilber-Pink conjecture on “unlikely intersections.” This is a far-reaching generalisation of the Manin-Mumford, Mordell-Lang, and Andre-Oort conjectures. I will describe how some problems of this type may be approached with methods involving the model-theoretic notion of “o-minimality” and the crucial role played here and in the provenance of the conjecture by Schanuel’s conjecture on the transcendence properties of the exponential function and its analogues.

Monday, April 29, 2013 from 5:30pm-6:30pm, Room 207 Math
Tuesday, April 30, 2013 from 4:30pm-5:30pm, Room 520 Math

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2013 Kolchin Lecture with Prof. Burt Totaro

The spring 2013 iteration of the Ellis R. Kolchin Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Prof. Burt Totaro (UCLA)on Monday, April 15th, 2013. Prof. Totaro will give the following lecture:

The Hodge Conjecture: History and Recent Progress

Abstract: A basic issue in algebraic geometry is the relation between continuous functions (topology) and polynomial functions over the complex numbers (algebraic geometry). The Hodge conjecture is a major problem about this relation: roughly, when can an even-dimensional real submanifold of a complex algebraic manifold be moved continuously to a complex algebraic submanifold? We discuss the history and some recent advances, notably on the integral Hodge conjecture in dimension 3.

Monday, April 15, 2013 at 4:15pm
Room 207 Mathematics
2990 Broadway at 117th Street

For lecture details via our promotional flyer, please see:

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Wei Zhang wins 2013 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship

Congratulations to Wei Zhang for being one of the recipients of the 2013 Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship.

The Sloan Foundation recognizes the achievements of outstanding scholars in original research and education related to science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics.

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Rachel Ollivier Awarded Prestigious Grant

Congratulations to Rachel Ollivier for being awarded a prestigious grant under the Provost’s Junior Faculty Diversity Program.

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Ovidiu Savin awarded The Distinguished Columbia Faculty Award

Congratulations to Ovidiu Savin for winning this year’s Distinguished Columbia Faculty Award. This award recognizes the excellence of faculty as scholars, participating members of our academic community, and teachers and mentors of undergraduate and graduate students. (The Arts and Sciences has been able to establish The Distinguished Columbia Faculty Award through the generosity of University Trustee Gerry Lenfest.)

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Maria Chudnovsky wins 2012 MacArthur Foundation Fellowship

Congratulations to Maria Chudnovsky, one of the winners of the 2012 MacArthur Foundation Fellowship.

The MacArthur Fellows Program awards unrestricted fellowships to talented individuals for their creativity, originality, and potential to make important contributions in the future.

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Andre Carneiro awarded new department teaching prize

Congratulations to Andre Carneiro, winner of the Departmental Prize for Excellence as a Teaching Fellow.  This is a new prize created by the Department to encourage and reward outstanding work by teaching fellows and graduate student instructors.



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Daniela De Silva recognized for teaching excellence

Congratulations to Daniela De Silva for receiving the Gladys Brooks Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award.

This award, established at Barnard in 1989 by the Gladys Brooks Foundation, is bestowed annually to recognize considerable individual achievements of tenure-track/tenure-eligible assistant professors at Barnard.



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Ovidiu Savin awarded the Stampacchia Gold Medal

Ovidiu Savin has been selected as the 2012 winner of the Stampacchia Gold Medal.

The Stampacchia Gold Medal is an international prize awarded every three years by the Italian Mathematical Union in recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of Variational Analysis and its applications by a mathematician under the age of 35.

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Andrei Okounkov elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Please join us in congratulating Prof. Andrei Okounkov on his recent election to the National Academy of Sciences!

For more information, visit the NAS press release:

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