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Ritt Lectures, Spring 2012, by Pierre Colmez

The spring 2012 Ritt Lectures, by Prof. Pierre Colmez, will take place April 19 & 20. Prof. Colmez (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu), will deliver a two talk series titled:

p-adic analysis and Galois representations

Abstract: Ever since Wiles’s proof of (sufficiently many cases of) Taniyama-Weil’s conjecture lead-ing to a proof of Fermat’s last theorem, p-adic methods have proven to be very useful for the understanding of representations of the absolute Galois group of Q and the complex L-functions attached to them. I will summarize classical results in p-adic analysis (they are very similar to the theory of Fourier series), explain how they enter in the study of p-adic representations of the absolute Galois group of Qp, and show how this has paved the way to the proof of most cases of Fontaine-Mazur’s conjecture in dimension 2 (a vast generaliza-tion of Taniyama-Weil’s conjecture).

Thursday, April 19

Friday, April 20

Both lectures will be held in room 312 Mathematics Hall. For the lecture poster, visit:

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2012 Kolchin Lecture, with Prof Tom Bridgeland

The spring 2012 iteration of the Ellis R. Kolchin Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Prof. Tom Bridgeland (All Souls College, Oxford) on Monday, April 23rd. Prof. Bridgeland will give the following lecture:

Tilting in Calabi-Yau Categories

Abstract: Tilting is a fundamental operation in homological algebra, with a variety of applications in both algebra and geometry. After explaining the general idea, I will focus on two examples. The first involves birational transformations of threefolds; here the tilting concept has recently led to explicit formulae describing the way Donaldson-Thomas invariants change under flops. The second example involves triangulations of surfaces and quiver mutation.

Monday, April 23rd at 4:30 pm
Julius S. Held Lecture Hall – 304 Barnard Hall
Barnard College, 3009 Broadway at 117th Street

Tea will be served at 4:00 pm in 508 Mathematics Hall
2990 Broadway at 117th Street

For lecture details via our promotional flyer, please visit:


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Simons Fellows in Mathematics awarded to Johan de Jong and Igor Krichever

The Simons Foundation recently announced the recipients of the Simons Fellows in Mathematics awards. Among those chosen are Columbia’s own Igor Krichever and Johan de Jong. The Simons Fellows in Mathematics awards are given based on the applicant’s scientific accomplishment in the five-year period preceding the application and on a judgment of the potential scientific impact of the leave period.

A current list of Fellows can be found here.

For more information about the award, visit the Simons Foundation website.

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Julien Dubedat Awarded the 2011 Salem Prize

Congratulations to Prof. Julien Dubedat, who was recently announced as one of the recipients of the 2011 Salem Prize! The Salem Prize is awarded yearly to young researchers for outstanding contributions to the field of analysis. Julien was awarded for his work (with Dapeng Zhan) on the Schramm-Loewner Equations, specifically for the proof of the reversibility and duality conjectures.

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Special Day on Complex Geometry and PDE

Friday April 20, 2012 there will be a special day long conference on complex geometry and PDEs.  All are invited to attend, there is no registration.

For a schedule and further details, please visit:

Invited Speakers

  • Yum-Tong Siu (Harvard University)
  • Jian Song (Rutgers University)
  • Valentino Tosatti (Columbia University)
  • Ahmed Zeriahi (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)


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Columbia-Princeton Probability Day

Friday, March 2, 2012 – The annual Columbia-Princeton Probability Day conference will take place in Columbia University’s Northwest Corner Building. Scheduled speakers include:

  • J. C. Mattingly (Duke University)
  • R. Pemantle (University of Pennsylvania)
  • L. Saloff-Coste (Cornell University)
  • T. Seppäläinen (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  • M. Damron (Princeton University)

For more information, including times, titles, and abstracts, please visit:

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