Come join us every Thursday (Fall term) at 2:40 pm in RM 520, Professor Paul Seidel (MIT) will be giving a series of lectures about “Automorphisms and Fibrations in Symplectic and Noncommutative Geometry”(MORE).
Attend this special lecture series in Probability and Mathematical Finance tomorrow Friday September 8th!(More…)
Alice Guionnet will give ten main lectures, along with supplementary lectures by other senior researchers attending the school held on Monday August 28 until September 1,2017 (more).
A workshop in algebraic geometry, centered around the Stacks project will beheld at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, from July 31 to August 4 2017…(more)
A probability conference in honor of Prof. Ioannis Karatzas will be held May 31 – June 2, 2017 in Santorini, Greece…[more]
On February 17 there will be a half-day symposium featuring a series of short talks by Columbia faculty working on probability and its interactions with society…(more)
Please join the department for a film screening of “The Discrete Charm of Geometry” Friday, Feb 17 at 7:30pm in 312 Mathematics, with director Ekaterina Eremenko…(more)
The Eilenberg Lecture Series will continue Thursdays at 1:10pm in room 520 Math.
The spring 2016 Ritt Lectures, by Prof. Umberto Zannier……(more)
The spring 2016 iteration of the Ellis R. Kolchin Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Prof. Raphaël Rouquier…..(more)