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Columbia-Princeton Probability Day 2016

On Friday, April 8, 2016, the annual Columbia-Princeton Probability Day conference….(more)

Minerva Foundation Lectures

The spring 2016 Minerva Foundation Lectures will take place on March 21-March 23…(more)

Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

This program will be a concentration period to include a school and a conference on “Calculus of Variations and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations” ….(more)

A Conference in Honor of Dusa McDuff’s 70th Birthday Hosted by Barnard College and Columbia University

The conference will center around recent developments in three main areas: ……(more)

Spring 2016 Samuel Eilenberg Lectures

Prof. Roman Bezrukavnikov (MIT) will give a weekly lecture every Thursday during the Spring 2016 semester for the Samuel Eilenberg Lecture Series. The lectures begin on Thursday, January 21, 2016….(more)

2016 REU Program Application now available

Applications are now open for the annual Undergraduate Summer Research Program. For information on the program, including a link to the application materials, please visit the REU website. (more)

Fall 2015 Joseph Fels Ritt Lectures by Prof. Ian Agol

The fall 2015 Ritt Lectures, by Prof. Ian Agol, will take place December 15 and 16…..(more)

October 27: “Colors of Math”

The Mathematics department invites you to see a critically acclaimed documentary about mathematics, the “Colors of Math”, and meet its director and executive producer…(more)

Minerva Foundation Lectures

The fall 2015 Minerva Foundation Lectures will take place…….(more)

Perspectives on Complex Algebraic Geometry

This workshop, to be held at Columbia from May 22 to May 25, celebrates the achievements and influence of Robert Friedman on the occasion of his 60th birthday…(more)