Nikita Nekrasov returns on Friday, February 2 for the continuation of his special lecture series “The Count of Instantons”… (more)
Please join us for the Spring 2024 Samuel Eilenberg Lectures on Mondays at 4:10 p.m. in Room 520 Mathematics. This semester, Professor Soren Galatius (University of Copenhagen), will deliver a series of lectures titled: “Moduli spaces of high dimensional manifolds”…(more)
Please join us for a Special Colloquium on Tuesday, January 23, 4:30 PM in Room 407 Mathematics. Speaker: Tomer Schlank (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). Title: Stable homotopy groups, higher algebra and the telescope Conjecture (more…)
Please join us for a Special Colloquium on Friday, January 26 at 1:30 PM in Room 520 Mathematics. Speaker: Tom Hutchcroft (California Institute of Technology). Title: Probability on groups (more…)
Congratulations to Abigail Hickok, who was recently awarded the inaugural Ivo and Renata Babuška Thesis Prize! (more)
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences joins the greater Columbia community in mourning the loss of Henry Pinkham, former dean, chair, and professor for nearly 50 years. A memorial service for Professor Pinkham is planned for Friday, November 17, 2023 (more).
On Friday, September 15, 2023 we will have our first ‘The Count of Instatons’ Special Probability lecture. Please join us in room 520 at 1:30pm for Professor Nikita Nekrasov’s lecture series (more…)
We’re thrilled to see Professor Brendle’s work recognized in such a public way. His ongoing research on differential geometry and nonlinear partial differential equations is of vital importance for the field (more…)
The Fall 2023 Minerva Foundation Lectures will take place on Wednesdays at 2:45 p.m. in room 507. Professor Sergiu Klainerman (Princeton University), will deliver a series of lectures (more…)
The Fall 2023 Samuel Eilenberg Lectures will take place on Tuesdays at 4:10 p.m. in room 520. Professor Laurent Fargues (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris), will deliver a series of lectures (more…)