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Packard Foundation Grant Supports Columbia’s Efforts to Address the Under-representation of Women in Mathematics

Ivan Corwin, Professor of Mathematics and 2014 Packard Fellow in Science and Engineering, has been awarded a $40,000 award as part of the Increasing Diversity in STEM pilot program…(more)

In Memoriam – Henry Pinkham

With profound sadness and grief we write to share the passing of Henry Pinkham, who recently passed away. Professor Pinkham was a beloved member of the department for nearly 50 years, and also served as the Dean of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences for 9 years… (more)

Columbia University Undergraduate Students Win the INFORMS Award & MAA Award

Please join us in congratulating six Columbia undergraduate students who competed in the internationally renowned Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and placed among the top finalists in the competition (MORE).

Congratulations to Professor Marcel F. Nutz named IMS Fellow

Professor Marcel F. Nutz has been named Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (MORE…).

Incoming class of 2023

Welcome to the 2023 cohort of graduate students! A list of our new PhD students can be found here (MORE).

Will Sawin awarded Sloan Fellowship

Congratulations to Will Sawin, recipient of a 2023 Sloan Fellowship award! (read more)


Join us on Monday, April 17, 2023 and Friday, April 21, 2023 from 4:30 – 5:30pm in room 520. Professor Camillo De Lellis (Institute for Advanced Study), will deliver a two talk series (MORE…).

The Universality Phenomenon for Log-Gas Ensembles

Come join us on Monday, January 30, 2023 at 04:30pm in room 520, Professor Alisa Knizel (University of Chicago) will be giving a special lecture titled “The Universality Phenomenon for Log-Gas Ensembles” (More..).

Spring 2023 Graduate Topics Courses

The Graduate topics courses for the Spring term are now available (More…).

The Many Kinds of Uniformity in Graph Configuration Spaces

Come join us on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 04:30pm in room 520. Professor Eric Ramos (Bowdoin College) will be giving a special lecture titled “The many kinds of uniformity in graph configuration spaces” (MORE…).