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In Memoriam – Steven M. Zelditch

Professor Steven M. Zelditch of Northwestern University passed away on September 11, 2022, two days short of his 69th birthday. He was a Ritt Assistant Professor at Columbia University from 1981 to 1985 (MORE).


The Fall 2022 Samuel Eilenberg Lectures will take place on Tuesdays starting September 13, 2022 at 2:40p.m. in room 520. Professor Hélène Esnault (Freie Universität Berlin), will deliver a series of lectures (more….)

Algebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics, and Solitons “A conference in honor of Professor Igor Krichever”

The “Algebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics, and Solitons” conference will take place on Friday, October 7 through Sunday, October 9, 2022. Columbia University, Mathematics department will be hosting this event in honor of Professor Igor Krichever (More).

Reflections on Geometry: 3-Manifolds, Groups and Singularities “A Conference in Honor of Walter Neumann”

The “Reflections on Geometry: 3-Manifolds, Groups and Singularities” conference will take place on Tuesday, June 7 through Friday, June 10, 2022. Columbia University, Mathematics department will be hosting this event in honor of Professor Walter Neumann (More).

Columbia University Students Placed First in the MCM Competition!

Please join us in congratulating three first year Columbia undergraduate students who competed in the internationally renowned Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and placed among the top finalists in the competition (MORE).

Michael Harris elected to the National Academy of Sciences

Please join us in congratulating Professor Michael Harris on his recent election to the National Academy of Sciences (MORE)!

Amol Aggarwal Awarded the 2022 Rollo Davidson Prize

Congratulations to Amol Aggarwal for being awarded the prestigious Rollo Davidson prize in Probability for 2022. This award recognizes Professor Aggarwal’s outstanding achievements in the area of random matrix theory and integrable probability.

Panagiota Daskalopoulos elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences!

Please congratulate Professor Panagiota Daskalopoulos, who was recently elected as a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences! The Academy is an international learned society aimed to elect membership to men and women of exceptional achievement drawn from science, scholarship, business, public affairs, and the arts. The Academy also conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs and problems of society (MORE).

Ivan Corwin selected as a 2022 Simons Investigator

Simon Investigators are outstanding scientists who receive long-term research support from the Simons Foundation (MORE).


Welcome to the 2022 cohort of graduate students! A list of our new PhD students can be found here (MORE).